Sunday Bulletin 5th Jan. 2020
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BULLETIN of ST MARY’S SHRINE 5th January 2020 Fortnightly • 01925 635664 Watch our Mass daily on Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: Assistant: Fr Henry Whisenant: Deacon Roger Gilbride, FSSP: (on pastoral placement until Easter) In residence: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP: astewart@olg- (on Sick Leave: Fr K.Loewenstein, FSSP) Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily. Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day – including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass, and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am Eucharistic Adoration: Sat 10:00am-12 noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Wed. afternoon after school Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. + 12noon Angelus Sung Compline: Sunday 7:15pm, Wednesday 9:15pm Stations of the Cross: Mon, Fri 1:00pm Men’s group: Every Wed 7:00pm Mass + Talk & Compline Mothers’ Prayer group: Wed 1:00pm Adults Catechesis: most Sunday mornings withFr Whisenant Home Education Group: MostWednesdays 1pm-3:30pm. Contact Alison Kahn 01925 727759. Choir: Every Thur & Sun.Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir. Young Adults & Professionals 18-35: Monthly Sat walk and/or talk: Divine Mercy group: every second Tuesday 1:00pm Pro-life group: Last Sat 10:15am SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: Registered Charity number 1129964 Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness. Church cleaning: please given an hour of your time each week to keep St Mary’s fit for divine worship. Addicts to drugs, alcohol: help available with high success rate. Free. Confidential phone contact: 07916578902. ☞To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. If no server, please hold the Communion plate against your throat. Thank you in advance. ☞ Printed Mass sheets: please don’t bin them, as we will use them next year. Leave them in church Porch. ☞ Modesty in church: please cover your bodies at least down to elbows and below knees; no tight or see-through garments. ☞ Did you know? St Mary’s Shrine costs £1,444/week to run and maintain. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. |
Deo gratias for the beautiful recent Christmas festivities! Thank you so much to all of you who, this past Christmas and over the year, contributed to the life of St Mary’s Shrine in general through: the liturgy and music, the flowers and cleaning, the collection and LiveMass, the administration, site managing, the various devotion groups, the cooking of meals, tidying the garden and car park; washing, sowing and mending vestments, linens and clergy items, and generally though your prayer and Christian charity.

Last but not least, I thank my fellow clerics Frs Ian Verrier, Henry Whisenant and Andrew Jolly, and Deacon Roger Gilbride for their generous pastoral zeal along the past year, not to forget our dear absent clergy Frs Konrad Loewenstein and Alex Stewart. On their behalf and mine, I thank you for your many expressions of affection and consideration through Christmas cards and Christmas gifts. Please be assured that you were remembered and your intentions in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Midnight Mass, including all of you praying with us from a distance via LiveMass.
Fr de Malleray, Rector
Welcome home Henry! We are delighted to see our local seminarian Henry back for a well-deserved break after his first trimester at Our Lady of Guadalupe seminary: find out more here
Our heartfelt congratulations to Alasdair Mckenzie and Virginia Hale who were united in Holy Matrimony last Sat 28th Dec. at St Mary’s, Fr Whisenant presiding, assisted by Deacon Gilbride. We assure the young couple of our prayer.
The Men’s group weekly meeting resumes this Wednesday (8th Jan) following the usual format.
Extra liturgical Christmas celebrations: the Saturday before Christmas, a group of our parishioners walked into the town centre to sing Christmas carols and handed out blessed Miraculous Medals to the passersby. On Monday 30th December, there was standing room only at the performance of ‘The Finding of the King’, a nativity play in the top parish room. Congratulations to the families and Fr Whisenant for the hard work and the impressive success.
White Flower Appeal 2020 – the Society for the protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) will be holding its annual appeal next weekend. January 12th.
On 21st October 2019 the most extreme abortion regime in Europe was imposed on the people of Northern Ireland by the Government at Westminster. Abortion will now be permitted for any reason up until (and even beyond) the 24th week of a 40 week pregnancy. The abortion lobby now wants to introduce this in England and Wales.
Please be as generous as you can to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers from this new attack.
SPUC Youth conference, Friday 28th Feb – Sun 1st March 2020. Willows Training Centre, Great North Road, Wyboston Bedfordshire MK44 3AL. £115 by 31/12 or £135, with one of the FSSP UP priests offering holy Mass each day.
40 Days for Life, Manchester: Wednesday, 26th Feb – Sunday 5th April (subject to possible PSPO).
Juventutem Warrington Sat. 11th Jan: Chester, City walls, site of St John Plessington’s execution, and the cathedral. Parking £5; lunch in pub. Any 18-35 welcome! Leave St Mary’s at 10:00am after optional 9am trekkers’ Mass.
Full info on:
Vocation Weekend 24-26 Jan. 2020: Warrington, for single Catholic men 18-30. 9 men booked already. Contact:
Clergy Retreat 27 April-1st May 2020, Stonyhurst: The priests and Holy Church: her sons and defenders – by Fr A. de Malleray. COST: £320 in total (4 days full board, modern single room with ensuite).
Mass Intentions:
(Other intentions were offered over
the past 3 weeks as private Masses. Please ask Fr
Whisenant if needed.)
Sun 5 | Most Holy Name of Jesus (Blessing of Epiphany Water – 1 hour-long – in the afternoon) | 11:00am 6:00pm | Martin Turner & Georgina Burrows Deceased Hannah Family & Souls |
Mon 6 | Epiphany of the Lord (Not a holiday of obligation this year)• Stations for Priests 1pm | 12:10pm | Pro-life |
Tue 7 | Feria | 12:10pm | Anthony Crutch |
Wed 8 | Feria • Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm Men’s group: Mass, Talk, Q’s & A’s, Compline | 12:10pm 7:00pm | Mhaol-MhuireCoughlan RIP Peggy Latham |
Thu 9 | Votive Mass for ecclesiastical vocations | 12:10pm | FSSP Confraternity |
Fri 10 | Feria • Stations for Priests 1pm | 12:10 pm | Bette Standish |
Sat 11 | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday of Our Lady | 10:00am 12:10pm | The nation’s leaders Mary & Ernie Carey |
Sun 12 | Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, Joseph (SPUC White Flower Appeal after both Masses) | 11:00am 6:00pm | Nathan Melvin RIP Callum Turner |
Mon 13 | Commemoration of the Baptism of OLJC Stations of the Cross for Priests after Mass | 12:10pm | E. Rooney |
Tue 14 | St Kentigern | 12:10pm | Michael Green RIP |
Wed 15 | St Paul the First Hermit • Mothers’Prayer Group 1pm Men’s group: Mass, Talk,Q’s & A’s, Compline | 12:10pm 7:00 pm | Geraldine Edgley RIP (anniversary) Ann & Nick Parry |
Thu 16 | St Marcellus | 12:10pm | John Norris RIP (anniversary) |
Fri 17 | St Antony • Stations of the Cross after Mass | 12:10pm | Emil’s Exam |
Sat 18 | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday of Our Lady | 10:00am 12:10pm | The Bishops D. Rawlings RIP |
Sun 19 | 2nd Sunday after Epiphany | 11:00am 6:00pm | Gerard & Peter Wallace Thanksgiving |
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