Sunday Bulletin 7 Jan 2024
FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,
7-13 January 2024
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE or
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll:
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Daily Holy Mass readings:
BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 11:00am
CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon
Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)
Sat 10:00am-10:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard:
Frs de Malleray and Coelho wish you and your families a blessed Epiphany tide. They thank you for your cards, gifts and generous support at Christmas.

Join us for coffee after Sunday Mass, both in Bedford and Chesham Bois. Follow the crowd into nearby parish halls.
No dogs inside the church please. Our beloved pets are requested kindly to wait for their masters outside.

CHESHAM BOIS welcomes VOLUNTEERS to (WO)MAN THE HALL KITCHEN FOR SUNDAY COMMUNITY COFFEE. Can you give an hour after Mass one Sunday a month? Senior or teenage volunteers welcome as well. Thank you in advance.
No holy Mass at Christ the King on Monday 8 Jan, as Fr de Malleray will offer Mass at Regina Caeli Academy that day.
Vocation Weekend near Bedford 16-18 Feb 2024
At Buckden Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots, Cambs PE19 5TA
Starts Fri 5:00pm; ends Sun 2:00pm

Is God calling ME?
Matrimony, celibacy, monastery, seminary, Fraternity?

If you are a single Catholic man between 18 and 30 years of age, come and discern with us near Bedford.
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP will lead the weekend. There will be talks, prayers, Holy Mass and informal chatting with fellow-guests. Possibility of private meetings with a priest, and of confession. Feel welcome confidentially to call, email or write for any questions. Holy Mass each of the three days.
COST: £95.00 per person in total (bed + full board). FREE for unwaged and students – give whatever amount you can.
BOOKINGS & CONTACT: [not via Facebook] (read by Fr de Malleray only).
ACCESS: Direct train from London St Pancras to St Neots, every half hour, duration 56 minutes.
The nearest towns are Huntingdon (5 miles NNE of Buckden) and St Neots (5 miles South of Buckden). Both Huntingdon and St Neots are served by the West Anglian Great Northern Railway line from King’s Cross London to Peterborough. Let us know if you would need a lift from the railway station. There also are bus and coach links to both Huntingdon and St Neots from many parts of the country.
SHARE the NEWS: forward this page or the Facebook event:

- General page:
- Book on the Sacred Priesthood:
- Stories about priestly ministry:
- Audio conferences on the priest 1) and Our Lady; 2) and Martyrdom :…/father-armand-de-malleray
- Book on the holy Eucharist here:
- European seminary :
- North-American seminary:
- Know us better through browsing online our quarterly magazine Dowry here:
- International Vocation Prayer Network:
- Great pictures about our ministry here

We have currently six young men from the UK & Ireland in formation at our two international seminaries. Three of our deacons from England were ordained priests at St Mary’s Warrington by Archbishop McMahon, OP of Liverpool. Those were the first EF priestly ordinations by a diocesan bishop in England in fifty years. Please pray for them ( and for many more to enter the lists!
We give thanks for 13 priests ordained from or to the UK over the past 23 years: Fr Armand de Malleray in 2001; Fr Konrad Loewenstein in 2002; Fr Brendan Gerard in 2006; Frs Matthew Goddard and William Barker in 2009; Fr Simon Harkins in 2010; Fr Matthew McCarthy in 2011; Fr Ian Verrier in 2015; Fr James Mawdsley in 2016; Frs Alex Stewart and Krzysztof Sanetra in 2017; Fr Seth Phipps in 2018; Fr Gwilym Evans in 2022; Deacon Miklos Homolya in 2024 (planned) – plus Fr Patrick O’Donohue from Ireland (incardinated in 2023).
On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, 11 February 2022, Pope Francis signed a decree confirming the liturgical charism of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.
Please pray for us. We assure you of our prayer.
O Lord, grant us many holy priests!
Welcome to ICKSP seminarian Francis Grimer, studying in Italy and visiting us during his holiday.
Dr Teresa Clayton (whose father is part of our FSSP chaplaincy congregation) is a Catholic psychologist available for therapy via video call. As a clinical psychologist she has over ten years’ experience helping people with many difficulties including depression, anxiety, trauma, bereavement and marriage difficulties. Contact :; web page:
Three new babies! Congratulations to Peter and Maria Jones on the birth of Vincent, and to Peter and Aisling Johnson on the birth of their first child Teresa, both on the feast of St Thomas the Apostle, 21 Dec.; and to Jacek and Catherine Witkowski on the birth of their first child Alice. Little Teresa and Alice will be baptised both on 6th Jan, 1:30pm, at Chesham Bois.
Next Men’s group: Thursday 18 Jan, 8:00pm, after 7:30pm tea & biscuit (or beer!) – in the Patrick Donegan Room.
Next Ladies’ group: Sat 27th January 12noon shared lunch, 1pm talk and Q&As – in the Patrick Donegan Room, after 11:00am Holy Mass.
Change of Saturday Mass time: it was suggested that changing from 10am to 11am would be more convenient. Thus, from Sat 13 January we will begin with Confessions from 10am to 10:55am, followed by holy Mass at 11am.
SAVE THE DATE: Catholic Community Spring Dance. Ceilidh and bring-and-share meal for all the family. Saturday 27th April 2024, 1-7pm. Tickets available from February. Keep an eye on the newsletter for ticketing info.
Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll ( the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Schedules for preparation will be communicated in January.
FSSP UK & Ireland wall 2024 CALENDARS have arrived! Receive your copy after Mass. Free (suggested donation £2).
Altar servers training: Thank you to Francis Ibabu who accepted to be the lay coordinator for ongoing training. Contact Francis or Fr de Malleray for dates for further training for any boys and men interested. Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).
Parish fundraising Quiz night on Sat 27 January: a Latin Mass team could take part if anyone were available. Contact Rita Carroll.
Epiphany: Attending holy Mass on Sat 6th January for the solemnity of the Epiphany is not an obligation this year. But we invite all to our holy Mass that will take place on the traditional date (Twelfth Night after the Nativity) on Sat 6th Jan in Bedford at 10:00am (confessions from 9:00am to 9:55am), and at 12:30pm at Chesham Bois, followed by two infant baptisms. Epiphany Water is available.
Offertory Collections in Bedford: up to now they were retained by the parish. Increased expenses for two priests in full-time ministry leads to retaining the Offertory collection, as per the Chaplaincy statutes. This will start in January (as has been the case in Chesham Bois for years). The Chaplaincy will of course continue to contribute its fair share to the upkeep of Christ the King Church.
Volunteers needed to count the collection after Mass on Sunday. It should only take about 15 minutes. Two people will be needed each week. Please contact Rita Carroll if you can volunteer.
SPUC White Flower Appeal will take place on Sunday 14th January. There will be a second collection after Mass.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
Christmas collections go to the apostolate, not to individual priests. Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.
Sun | 07/01 | 8.30am | The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (II) | Patrick Burgess RIP (Bedford) | Cassidy |
Sun | 07/01 | 12noon | The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (II) | Chlo. Therese Lehmann-Thap RIP (Chesham) | Kedward |
Mon | 08/01 | 10am | Feria (IV) | No Mass (but at Reg. Caeli Acad.) | |
Tue | 09/01 | 8am | Feria (IV) | Barbara Sadowska – healing | Cassidy |
Wed | 10/01 | 8am | Feria (IV) | Michael & Ann O’ Donnell RIP | Chakrabarti |
Thu | 11/01 | 8am | Feria (IV) | Gopal Chakrabarti RiP | Chakrabarti |
Fri | 12/01 | 8am | Feria (IV) | Private Intention | Harding |
Sat | 13/01 | 11am | The Baptism of Our Lord | Priest’s Intention |
The goal of this book is to provide a guide for all people of good will and to show them the way to Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. To this end, common criticisms that are levelled against the faith and the Church are examined. Each of these are then countered and addressed based on Sacred Scripture and Tradition. This book is a valuable tool especially for truth seeking Christians and is also useful for every Catholic who wants to be prepared to “explain” his or her faith. |
About the Author FR. RALPH WEIMANN was born in 1976. After studying in the United States, Italy, and Germany, he obtained a diploma in humanities and a bachelor in philosophy, followed by a licentiate in theology. After his ordination to the priesthood, he earned a doctorate in theology in 2010 on the thesis “Dogma and Progress in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger.” He earned a second doctorate in 2013 on the thesis “Bioethics in a Secularized Society.” He has worked as a military chaplain since 2015. Fr. Weimann lectures at various colleges and universities in Rome, in particular the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) and the International Online University Domuni. He is the author of Bioethical Challenges at the End of Life: An Ethical Guide in Catholic Perspective (Angelico Press) and the recently published Sacramentals: Their Meaning and Spiritual Use (Sophia Institute Press). |
Dear Pro-Life supporter
We are only a few days into the new year and already hundreds of babies have lost their lives to abortion in this Country. We are reaching out to these mothers with our peaceful, prayerful, Pro-Life daily vigils offering real help near three of the abortion centres in London.
On Friday 12th January, the eve of the 27th anniversary of the founding of The Good Counsel Network, please pray and fast for the end of abortion in this Country. Through God’s grace we have seen thousands of Mothers in our counselling centre continue their pregnancies in very difficult circumstances. Please help us to help save lives with your prayers, fasting and support. Please share on Facebook,
You could donate online using the following details,The Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Account number 13994678 Sort Code 40-06-30. We can also take card donations on the phone, 02077231740.Whether it is £27, £270 or another amount in honour of our 27th anniversary your donation really will help save lives.Some of our supporters who do not use online banking have asked us for a standing order form to set up a regular donation, you can print off the attached form, fill it in and post it back to us if you would like to do this.
Also on Friday 12th January at 6.30pm we will have our monthly Old Rite Mass at Corpus Christi Church 1-5 Maiden Lane, London WC2E 7NB. You can share the details with this Facebook event,
God bless
Stuart McCullough
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