United Kingdom and Ireland
October 6, 2018

Sunday Bulletin 7 October

Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.


www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664

Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org

Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it

Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org


Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.

Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day

– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass

and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.


SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964

 Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.

Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com

 This Week’s Mass Intentions: 

Sun 7 External Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary

3pm Rosary of Reparation for Abuse



Paul Clegg RIP

Paul Clegg RIP

Mon 8 St Bridget, Widow

Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm

 12:10pm Louis Anderson RIP
Tue 9 St John Leonardi, Confessor  12:10pm Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 1/9
Wed 10 St Paulinus, Bishop Confessor

Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm

12:10pm Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 2/9
Thur 11 Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12:10pm Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 3/9
Fri 12 St Wilfrid, Bishop Confessor

Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm

12:10pm Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 4/9
Sat 13 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

St Edward, King Confessor (2nd Class)




Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 5/9

 Sun 14 21st Sunday after Pentecost 11:00am


Novena for needs of St Mary’s Shrine 6/9

Eleanor & Joseph Billington RIP


The following Mass requests have been said this week at private Masses:, Bernadette Roach RIP, Alex Lawson RIP, Anthony Murphy, R. Hannah, Thomas Corcoran RIP, Our Lady’s Holy Souls, the Clarkes. 


The owner will turn the former school into 18 flats unless we have £750,000.00 to pay him on 18th October; and please God, another £750,000.00 for the second building. This does not include the minimum £280,000.00 needed for conversion to pastoral use. We are so DEEPLY GRATEFUL to all of you for the £513,170.00 pledged or raised since 18 July. In addition, there is about £50,000.00 of Gift Aid: but this money will be sent to us by HM Revenue too late for purchase: it can only be used for conversion work later on.

Put bluntly then, we are still short of £236,830.00 to buy even only one of the two buildings – in 10 days… So, what to do?

We suggest three actions. Please read this with great attention, as these are the VERY LAST TEN DAYS.

  1. Please do forward the link to the Campaign webpage to your friends and acquaintances: https://fssp.co.uk/warrington/priory-campaign-18-july-18-oct-18/.
  2. Most important: join us in a NOVENA of HOLY MASSES starting this Tuesday, ending on Wed. 17. If you cannot attend, please unite with us via net, or simply making a spiritual communion from where you are.
  3. Should you know of anyone willing to purchase space in the adjacent buildings via the FSSP, please put them in touch with us: malleray@fssp.org. The condition is to be able to transfer £83,300.00 to a designated bank account before 18th October, with the intention of becoming owner of one floor of the building (i.e. for 79.31 square meters, or 853 square feet, plus parking space), which could either remain an office, or later be turned into a flat, as the new owner preferred.

Humanly speaking, this Campaign is unsustainable. But from the start we did it for God and souls. In the launch homily on Sunday 15 July, we said that the Priory Campaign was about being boldly pro-active in post-Catholic England. We don’t pray for money and stones, since those are means to an end: the glory of God and the salvation of souls. But such means are still necessary, so that we invite you to pray ardently for substantial donations to occur this week, so that we may seize the unique opportunity of buying back the two adjacent buildings, formerly part of St Mary’s estate. Please also do offer rosaries and personal sacrifices during the novena.

Through our priestly ordinations, through LiveMass.net and our other media such as Dowry and Facebook, St Mary’s Warrington is an inspiration to many more than can be seen in the pews, laity and clergy alike. The spiritual growth and welfare of St Mary’s community is meant also as a modest but actual witness of hope in the somehow gloomy Church landscape. We pray this novena for God and Our Lady to grant us growth in grace – and numbers, through this Campaign if it pleases Them.

Subject to the amount raised by 18th October and to obtaining the relevant authorisations according to the law, we will be able to buy and convert for pastoral use part or all of the two buildings. What happen if – worst case scenario – we are prevented from buying the building(s) soon? Then we will use your donation to extend and improve significantly our current presbytery for pastoral use and priests’ living quarters. Thank you wholeheartedly for your generosity!

You may now send your donations, making the cheque or bank transfer payable to ‘FSSP ENGLAND’ (writing ‘Priory Campaign’ on the back of your cheque or in the bank transfer reference). 

Account Name: FSSP England • Account number: 02027225 • Sort code 30-93-04 • Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch • Gift Aid number on request.

 New VIDEO: click below – and share…

Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.

Young Adults & Professionals (18-35)’s monthly gathering, Saturday 13th October. Join us for a 6-mile hike up to Shining Tor, the highest point in Cheshire, with a visit en route to a tiny shrine to St Joseph.

Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor, nature and water

Depart by car from St Mary’s (WA1 2NS) at 10am (after optional 9am Low Mass) or meet directly at Errwood Hall Car Park, Goyt Valley (situated on the southwest side of Errwood Reservoir, at grid reference SK 012 748. Google Maps: https://www.google.co.uk/…/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xe3b0638829…).

Bring a packed lunch. Cat’s Tor and Shining Tor are not so high, but it can be gusty up the top so bring a scarf / wooly hat (something for the ears!) A description of the route and .gpx files are available here: http://www.trekkingbritain.com/shiningtorviacatstor.html

Let us know if you need/can offer a lift: iverrier@fssp.org

Congratulations Treasa Kearney and Steven Antrobus who got married yesterday (Sat. 6 Oct) at St Kevin’s Dublin. St Mary’s Shrine priests were pleased to chat with the engaged couple last Sunday in Warrington after our 6pm Mass, which Treasa regularly attends. Please pray for the new married couple.

DOWRY MAG arrived – special issue on the Priory Campaign! Help our Priory Campaign, taking copies home to give to your friends.

thumbnail of 2018-09-12 Dowry 39 ONLINE

40 Days for Life (click here) peaceful Prayer Vigils to save babies: From September 26 to November 4 – Outside Marie Stopes, 5 Wynnstay Grove, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 6XG

The Parish of Blessed James Bell came into existence by a decree of Archbishop McMahon on 1 May 2018. St Mary’s Shrine is part of the new parish. Fr Dave Heywood PP invites all who wish to a Mass of Inauguration on Friday 26 October at 7.00 pm in St Benedict’s, followed by a reception in the Parish Centre. Let us pray Bl. James Bell for all living, working and/or worshipping in this part of Warrington.

Available after 11am Mass in the Narthex: special discount for St Mary’s; £10.00/copy.

Freshly printed…  new book on the Holy Eucharist by Fr de Malleray, with Imprimatur from Archbishop McMahon of Liverpool, who commented: “A very useful contribution to the people’s understanding of the mystery of the Eucharist.” Also on www.lumenfidei.ie/product/ego-eimi-it-is-i/


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