United Kingdom and Ireland
November 7, 2020

Sunday Bulletin 8 November 2020

St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin

8-22 November 2020 (fortnightly)

Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire,

WA1 2NS, England

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

01925 635664 – warrington@fssp.org 

https://fssp.co.uk/warrington/ – facebook.com/fssp.england

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ)

Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP

Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly

Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane Wright

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.

COVID: Please observe social distancing, sanitizing and one-way system as signed, and kindly cover your face with a mantilla, scarf or mask unless exempt.

To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.

Autumn 2020 Lockdown: Dear worshippers at St Mary’s Shrine, following the decision by the Government to ban public worship between 5th Nov and 2nd Dec 2020, thus turning down the petition made by Cardinal Nichols on behalf of the Catholic Church in England, we are sadly forced to close our doors during all our public liturgies, including every public Holy Mass, Divine Office, Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Thus, the faithful will be unable to attend those in person, but all are welcome to watch them live on LiveMass.net at the usual times: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm.

Opening Times for Private Prayer:

Sunday: Church OPENS 9:00am – Church CLOSES 10:30am – Church OPENS 5:40pm (while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for private adoration) – Church CLOSES 7:00pm

Mon-Fri: Church OPENS 11:00am – Church CLOSES 12noon

Sat: Church OPENS 10:00am (while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for private adoration) – Church CLOSES 11:45am

We thank our stewards who generously give their time to secure a safe environment for all visitors to St Mary’s. Please make sure to follow their instructions and abide by the regulations (unless exempt from some), including social distancing and one-way system.

A priest will be available at those times for Confessions and for private distribution of Holy Communion on request.

As during the previous lockdown, St Mary’s clergy remains available for pastoral support.

Please do make good use of the provision granted you to visit St Mary’s, in accordance with our own Archbishop’s encouragements: “At this difficult moment, we ask that, as a Catholic community, we make full use of our churches as places of individual prayer and sources of solace and help. We must sustain each other in our patterns of prayer.” Read here the full response released by Cardinal Nichols and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP, and here the Bishops Conference’s statement.

Contact us also for material and financial support if you struggle during lockdown. Speak confidentially to any of the priests on your visit at our church and we will help.

General statement: most of our usual activities are suspended due to Covid regulations but visit our website for updates, in case Cardinal Nichols obtains the lifting of restrictions sooner than our next edition.

Shrine Directory: Email Fr Stewart (astewart@olgseminary.org) your profession, trade or skills with the contact details you would like to be included on a printed booklet to be shared with parishioners. A good opportunity to support fellow Catholics in these difficult times.

No more OFFERTORY COLLECTION. Kindly bring your collection in an envelope and put it through the letter slot on the front door of St Mary’s Presbytery (where we clergy live). It is even better for us if you can send your donation to St Mary’s Shrine via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/.

Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 20% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ; Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ; Account name: FSSP Warrington

Children Education Meeting at St Mary’s. As you know, families meet every Wednesday afternoon at Priory Court for educational activities. The purchase of the new building and the growing needs of families lead us to envisage more. Please look at the successful Regina Caeli Academy model as an option.

Due to the latest Covid restrictions, the meeting on Sunday 22nd Nov to discuss education at St Mary’s is cancelled. Anyone interested in making alternative arrangements, please contact Alison Kahn on 01925 727759 before then, to agree details.

LMS booklets for sale: £3.00 per copy or £5 for two copies. Subject to Covid regulations, you can visit after the 11am Sunday Mass Unit 2 of Priory Court to purchase this booklet and other Catholic books.

Church Cleaning Team: The winning team! Thank you to all of you who kindly came forward join this discreet but so necessary team, coordinated by Maria Haynes.

Our quarterly magazine Dowry is available in print, and online here. Browse now through 32 pages of in-depth and lighter articles on saints, the Holy Eucharist, Columbus, former-Satanist priest convert, news, poetry and the Priory Campaign. Send the link to your friends: a simple way of spreading the Good News at no cost.

Christmas cards, Advent Calendars, etc available from Aid to the Church in Need website www.acnuk.org or by ringing 0345 241 6068 and asking for a Catalogue.

 Prayer intentions for our sick: John Marechal, Hilda Creagan, John Sunderland, Steve Humphrey.


Sun 8 23rd Sunday aft. Pent. Remembrance Sunday Vot. Requiem 5pm Vespers & Benediction 11:00am
Holy Souls
Theresa Reynard]
Mon 9 Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Saviour, 2nd cl. [Private

Thank you to St Joseph]
Mary Hill RIP
Tue 10 St Andrew Avellino [Private

Dimond Family]
Natalie Johnson RIP
Wed 11 St Martin B.C. – 102nd anniversary of end of WWI [Private

Fr Oliver O’Connor]
Geoff Hill RIP
Thu 12 St Martin I, Pope & Martyr [Private

Carvana Family]
The Hall Children
Fri 13 St Didacus, C [Private

Abdul, Tegan and their baby]
In Reparation for the sins of abortion
Sat 14 Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon  St Josaphat B.M. [Private

Christina Gallagher]
Fr P. M.
Sun 15  6th Sunday remaining after Epiphany 5pm Vespers & Benediction 11:00am
May Murphy
Joanne King]
Mon 16 St Edmund, B.C., 2nd cl. [Private
Fr D. D.]
Ronald & Patricia Jones
Tue 17 St Gregory Thaumaturgus, B.C. [Private
Fr P. M.]
Sarah Keenan RIP
Wed 18 Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts Peter & Paul [Private

Ann Spackman RIP]
Thomas Fraser RIP
Thu 19 St Elizabeth, Widow [Private

The Holy Souls & priv. intention]
Keith RIP & Stolen tabernacle
Fri 20 St Felix de Valois, C. [Private
Fr Michael Corbett RIP]
Mary Ashley RIP
Sat 21 Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon  Presentation of the Bl. Virgin Mary [Private

Colette Stevenage RIP]
F. & B. Daulin RIP; O.P.; Bridie
Sun 22 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost 5pm Vespers & Benediction 11:00am

Kath Benson RIP
Keith Scott]

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