Sunday Bulletin 8 October 2023
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 8-22 Oct 2023 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
01925 635664
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Assistant (convalescing): Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP. In residence: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP. Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly. Seminarian: Mr Peter Uhel, FSSP. Administrator: Mrs Jane Wright: Secretary: Mrs Kelly Williams:
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Watch our daily Mass with homily on
Daily Holy Mass readings:
Sundays: 8:30am to 7:00pm
3 Sunday Holy Masses 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm.
Sung Vespers & Benediction 5:00pm; Confessions 8:30am-8:55am, 10:30am-10:55am & 5:30pm-5:55pm
Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court car parks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass. Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am- 12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phone before you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Converts’ Class every Sat, 4:45pm to 5:45pm: for anyone interested in learning about Catholicism. Just turn up. Also:
- Men’s Group Wed 18 Oct 7:45-9:30pm
- Ladies Group Sat 21 Oct 1pm-3pm
Pray for 28 Second Year seminarians who will receive First Tonsure and start wearing the cassock on 21st October, including our own Benjamin from England: Olivier, Michal, Gilles, Elias, Zeeshan, Jean, Benjamin, Gwennolé, Pierre, Niccoló, Cecil, Gabriel, Paul, Louis, Maurits, Vedran, Stefan, Luke, Binil, Dominic, Kolt, Brian, Stephen, Gabriel, Alexander, Andre, Craig and Andrew.
Change of clergy: As announced from the pulpit on Sunday 1st October, Fr de Malleray was put in charge of the Bedford and Chesham Bois communities as of Sunday 29th October. His farewell Mass in Warrington will be on Sunday 22nd October, 11am. As of 29th October Fr Matthew Goddard, FSSP will succeed him as Rector at St Mary’s, assisted by Fr Gwilym Evans, FSSP.
Fr Ian Verrier is still convalescing after his Long Covid, and Fr Alex Stewart is in residence, focussing on getting his own health back. Please pray for the full recovery of those two priests who worked tirelessly over the past several years to serve St Mary’s Shrine; and for Fr de Malleray as he prepares for his new ministry.
We are glad to continue to rely on the valued assistance of Fr Andrew Jolly, helping here every Sunday, Monday and main feasts. We ask for your patience kindly in this month of transition. We give thanks for a new chapter in the life of our community that is about to begin, with new dedicated priests, already familiar with St Mary’s, and eager to meet you at the end of this month.
Fr de Malleray’s leaving Party – After the 11am Mass on 22/10/23 at Priory Court. We are sorry to see Fr de Malleray leave St Mary’s after 8 years. We would like to give him a good send off. Could everyone please help to make this a memorable occasion for him. By bringing along food platters savoury or sweet. Maybe a bottle of Prosecco. On the Sunday.
Kindly Contact Audrey Jones 07809 502705 or Joanne king 07743 483466 Thank you all in advance for your help.
Juventutem London will meet on Friday 20th October at St Mary Magdalene Oratory, Wandsworth.
Join us for our usual schedule of:
1800 – Confessions
1900 – Sung Mass Traditional Mass with homily
2000- Social w/ pizza and drinks
Confessions and Mass open to call, social only for those 18-35.
Oratory of St Mary Magdalen, Wandsworth, SW18 2QU.
Buses from Clapham Junction, or walk twelve minutes along the main road to the church.
Dowry Mag Autumn issue now online:
Rosary Crusade of Reparation in London Sat 14 October. Starts 1:45pm along Westminster Cathedral.

Thank you to Elaine M. and all those who supported her sponsored walk for Priory Court. £880 were raised or pledged (would those who pledged kindly drop an envelope with their donation at the Presbytery?). Our heartfelt thanks to Elaine and all benefactors.
Now 937 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Main homilies are uploaded regularly:
The Holy Guardian Angels Homily 02 10 23
16th Sunday after Pentecost 17-09-23
‘Forgiving sins’ 18th Sunday after Pentecost Homily 01 10 23
Feast of St Michael the Archangel Homily 29 09 23
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: Ask us
for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank; Sort Code: 30-80-27; Account number: 30993368. Account name: FSSP Warrington
The Good Counsel Ball is back, in Kensington, London. Don’t miss it! Great Company, great food and a great live band. Tickets are £125 and you can host a table of 10 friends if you want to. Don’t know anyone who is coming? Don’t worry, it’s a friendly event and we can find you a welcoming spot at St Raphael’s table. For enquiries call Clare on 07795205117. To book tickets email

Mass intentions had accumulated last year but we have now managed to offer nearly all of them. Feel welcome to give intentions anew, using the little brown envelopes printed to that effect and dropping them in the collection basket or through the metal slot on the Front Door of the Presbytery. The average stipend in £10.00.
Book directly with Stonyhurst for Fr de Malleray’s weekend retreat on 24-26 Nov 2023:

Pray for: Alan Walker, Dominic Jones, Paul Cavanaugh, Michael Ibbotson, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman, James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard. RIP: Julie Hoolie; Francis Billington; Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal.
Sun | 8 | 19th Sunday after Pentecost | II | 9:00am | Audrey & Colin Jones |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | Preserv. Latin Mass/FSSP | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Grace King | |||
Mon | 9 | St. John Leonardi, Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Sarah Stanton RIP |
Tue | 10 | St. Paulinus, Bishop Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Taleb Hakem RIP |
Wed | 11 | The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary | II | 12:10pm | Nina Birley RIP |
Thur | 12 | St. Wilfred, Bishop Confessor | III | 12:10pm | John & Ann McCoy |
Fri | 13 | St. Edward, King Confessor | II | 12:10pm | Fr Jolly Anniversary |
Sat | 14 | St. Callistus, Pope Martyr | III | 12:10pm | Zoria Dooley |
Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon | |||||
Sun | 15 | 20th Sunday after Pentecost | II | 9:00am | Mabel Mulligan |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Helen, RIP | |||
Mon | 16 | St. Hedwig, Widow | III | 12:10pm | Mary McEvoy |
Tue | 17 | St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin | III | 12:10pm | Gregory Hall |
Wed | 18 | St. Luke, Evangelist. 35th anniversary of canonical establishment of the FSSP Men’s Group 7:45pm-9:30pm | II | 12:10pm 7:00pm | FSSP & CSP members Ronnie Hannah |
Thur | 19 | St. Peter Alacantara, Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Fr Jolly Anniversary |
Fri | 20 | St. John Cantius, Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Mother, RIP |
Sat | 21 | Sat. of the Bl. Virgin Mary; 1pm Ladies’ Group Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon | IV | 12:10pm | Mr Pomfret RIP |
Sun | 22 | 21st Sunday after Pentecost | II | 9:00am | Sheila Stamp RIP |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Kevin and Rebecca Jones |
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