X-Ray of the Priest in a Field Hospital
by Fr. Armand de Malleray, FSSP. Arouca Press, 2020; aroucapress.com/books/x-rayof-the-priest

This book identifies sinful hindrances and spiritual resources for a fruitful and rewarding priestly life in the twenty-first century.
“Written with both imagination and rigour, and merits a wide readership” – Fr Aidan Nichols, O.P.
“Fr de Malleray’s reflections on the nature of the priesthood are fascinating and perceptive, and will edify both clerical and lay readers.” Dr Joseph Shaw, PhD, Oxford, Chairman of The Latin Mass Society
“Full of instruction yet easy to read.” – Fr Thomas Crean, O.P.
“I am happy to recommend this robust set of meditations.” – Dr Peter Kwasniewski
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