United Kingdom and Ireland
February 6, 2018

Young and not so young they came – Great Success of first Family Catechism Day

As well as the Sung Mass on 4 February described under a separate article, Saturday 3 February saw the first of five Family Catechism Days with Fatima Devotions at Christ the King.  The day started with a Rosary, followed by 15 minutes of meditation, during which time Confessions were available.  Mass was at 11 am, celebrated by Fr James Mawdsley, FSSP, who gave a very stirring homily on the widespread effects of abortion.  Then, having refreshed souls, it was time to refresh bodies, and we had lunch.  In the afternoon, Catechism was offered for the under 8s and the under 16s respectively, where the Holy Trinity was explained at a level appropriate for the participants’ ages.  There were some 15 participants in each age group.  It was lovely to see how much about the Faith they already knew.  It was the adults’ turn after this and our talk was on the Holy Eucharist.

Practice for the Sung Mass, both for singers and altar servers, rounded off a very successful day.  People came and went as they were able and it was well attended by about 60 adults and children.  Our grateful thanks are due to Fr Mawdsley for arranging this day and we look forward to the next one on Saturday 3 March.


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