Reading Mass Intentions 31 May-13 June

Plus, the latest online bulletin.
Plus, the latest online bulletin.
Sun 24 Sunday after the Ascension Vespers & Benediction 11:00am 5:00pm S. Parkinson Mon 25 St Gregory VII 12:10pm Gerard W. Wallace Tue 26 St Augustine of Canterbury 12:10pm Michael Sibert RIP Wed 27 St Bede the Venerable Men’s Group + Compline 12:10pm 8:00pm Monica and Robert Jones Thu 28 Feria: Votive Mass for priestly vocations 12:10pm Jeffrey Hall Fri 29 St Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi 12:10pm Bertie Thompson Sat 30 Vigil of Pentecost 12:10pm Madeleine Jones Sun […]
Spring 2020 In this issue: Editorial: God Is At Work To Believe, Or Not To Believe? LiveMass: Consoling And Evangelising Empty Churches And Full Communion St Louis De Montfort And the Bishops Principles Of Hierarchical Communion Dowry Of Mary I Am The Good Shepherd New Book On The Sacred Priesthood Support Our Apostolate
And online bulletin…
Please sign this important petition: Open our churches To Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, All of the signers of this petition have experienced, like everyone else, the separation from our loved ones… but also the separation from places of worship as part of the COVID lockdown imposed on our country. On 11th May the government published a 50 page roadmap outlining the steps which will be taken in order to alleviate some of […]
Bishops’ Message on Reopening churches Mass times & intentions Patrick Cahill RIP Two new babies Stabat Mater Talk tonight 8pm Good Shepherd Homily: see further down. Church re-opening actions: see further down. Statistics LiveMass: see further down. Let us pray with and for our bishops, that they may obtain from the Government the re-opening of places of worship as soon as possible. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has responded to the government’s document released today, 11 […]
Sun 10 Fourth Sunday after Easter Vespers & Benediction 11:00am 5:00pm St Mary’s LiveMass worshippers and benefactors Mon 11 Ss Philip & James Apostles 12:10pm Pauline Brewer RIP, and Roger & Paul Brewer Tue 12 Ss Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla & Pancras 12:10pm Patrick Cahill RIP Wed 13 St Robert Bellarmine Men’s Group Talk & Sung Compline 12:10pm 8:00pm Carlos Orfila Thu 14 Dedication of the Cathedral Church 12:10pm Thomas Fraser RIP Fri 15 St John Baptist de la Salle […]
The Men’s Talk this evening (Wed 6th May 2020 8pm) on (Warrington live) will be given by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP. In response to interest expressed after a Lenten sermon on this topic, Fr de Malleray will offer a two-part commentary on the celebrated Marian hymn. While the Stabat Mater fits with Lent rather than Eastertide, its spirituality can benefit Catholic souls at all times, especially in the present sacramental dearth. This is part of St Mary’s weekly […]
Plus, the latest bulletin now online.