December 1, 2018
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org

Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Lost Properties: on the table in the Narthex
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 2 |
1st Sunday of Advent |
6:00pm |
Joanne King
Fr Th. Wood (intentions) |
Mon 3 |
Rorate Mass i.e. candlelit [St Francis Xavier, Confessor]
+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Joan Marechal RIP
Patricia Jones |
Tue 4 |
St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop Confessor Doctor |
12:10pm |
Nicole & Carl |
Wed 5 |
Advent Feria
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
Philip Chirgwin RIP |
Thur 6 |
St Nicholas, Bishop Confessor |
12:10pm |
Monica Faulkner |
Fri 7 |
Funeral Mass for David James (‘Jim’) Verrier RIP
[St Ambrose, Bishop Confessor Doctor]
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm
1st Friday 7pm Mass followed by Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament with 1st Friday Devotions |
7:00pm |
David James Verrier RIP
Theresa & Charlie Reynard |
Sat 8 |
Immaculate Conception of the Bl. Virgin Mary (1st Class) Recollection Day for All: see schedule overleaf |
12:10pm |
Celebrant’s intention
Ethan Jones |
Sun 9 |
2nd Sunday of Advent |
6:00pm |
Parkinson Family
Dominic Jones |
Happy New – liturgical – Year!
Dowry Magazine Fortieth Issue: now online and shortly in your mailbox (subscribe for free here: https://fssp.co.uk/manageprofile/register.php).
Click on the cover picture to read the magazine.
Immaculate Conception Day for All:
on Sat. 8th December at St Mary’s Warrington, join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions, Spiritual Conferences and picnic.
10.00-11.25 am: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Benediction and Confession in the Church.
11.30 -12 noon: Talk by Fr Loewenstein on: ‘The significance of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception’
12.10 pm: Holy Mass
1.15 – 2.20 pm: Bring Your Own picnic lunch (nothing that needs heating) for your own family.
2.30 – 3.00 pm: Talk in the Church by Fr de Malleray on ‘Addressing the current Church crisis with The Immaculate’
– and Catechesis for children. Three groups; 0-6 crèche,7-10 yrs, 11-15 yrs.( Aged 16+ join adult Talk).
3.30 – 4.30 pm Blessing and Investiture with Miraculous Medal, Marian Procession around the Church, Rosary and Vespers.
All welcome!
Fr David Goddard, RIP: In your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr David Goddard (father of Fr Matthew Goddard, FSSP, our parish priest in Reading) who died on Fri 23 November. R.I.P.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn: Wed 12 Dec: 11:30am Rosary for Life, 12:10pm Mass with homily on sanctity of human life, confessions.
Next Young Adults Meeting Sat. 22 December.
PRIORY CAMPAIGN: By the end of next month, a pre-planning application process should hopefully confirm the change of use from ‘Business’ to ‘Community’, enabling our trustees to decide which part of the building(s) to purchase. Meanwhile, further donations are gratefully received, as we have only 1/3 of the asking price. Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Free booklets on the Servant of God Mother Mary-Joseph of Jesus – Elizabeth Prout, donated by the Sister historian promoting her beatification. Sister asks us to report any favours or miracles granted by God through the intercession of E. Prout. In Stone, Staffordshire, she was converted by Bl. D. Barberi and founded the female branch of the Passionists. Since her community served at St Mary’s Warrington School & Convent until 1929, this is a timely occasion to ask for a miracle for our Priory Campaign!
Thank you to S. H. who volunteered to repaint some the lavatories and bathrooms at our priory and change the carpeting, following in the footsteps of S. S and E. M. For want of a parish hall, parish kitchen and classrooms, most of our Ground Floor is used weekly for pastoral purposes. Hence the urgent need for our Priory Campaign to succeed and give us adequate space.
New lights in Music Room: brand new set of 30 LED bulbs now fitted in the ceiling of the Music Room. Better lighting for much cheaper. Next target: fixing the heater!
Solemn Polyphonic Requiem: following the inspiring performance of Vittoria’s polyphonic Requiem last Wednesday at St Mary’s, we hope to have the same music played next Friday.
New hymnbooks. We have invested in a new set. Surprisingly light for its dimensions, each blue volume offers a great choice of hymns, and the kyriale (Kyrie, Gloria etc) is included at the end in ‘modern’ notation for easier participation by the congregation.
Welcome to three new Choir members. Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir: iverrier@fssp.org
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30.Already 5 men booked. Contact: malleray@ssp.org
SPUC Youth Conference 15-17 March 2019 Milton Keynes. Sponsorship from St Mary’s: p.boyle400@btinternet.com.
Booking/info: www.spuc.org.uk
Already HALF FULL! Book while you can – for our Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.
by Fr AM
November 23, 2018
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
25 November 2018 WEEKLY BULLETIN
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 25 |
24th & Last Sunday after Pentecost |
6:00pm |
Ronald Hannah
Special Intention |
Mon 26 |
St Silvester, Abbot
+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Cd Raymond Burke |
Tue 27 |
Feria: Votive Requiem Mass |
12:10pm |
Fr Jan Milcz CSSR RIP |
Wed 28 |
Feria: Votive Requiem Mass
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
P. Rupert Loewenstein RIP |
Thur 29 |
St Cuthbert Mayne, Martyr |
12:10pm |
Edith Crompton RIP |
Fri 30 |
St Andrew, Apostle (2nd Class)
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Clare Fraser & family |
Sat 1 |
1st Saturday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament including 1st Saturday Devotions
Our Lady’s Saturday: Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
12:10pm |
St Mary’s Shrine
Clare Fraser |
Sun 2 |
1st Sunday of Advent |
6:00pm |
Joanne King
Fr Thomas Wood intentions |
Young Adults Meeting this Sat. 24th Nov, 1pm-4pm, St Mary’s – with talk by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP on the theme ‘Death’. Next meeting: Sat. 22 December
Wed. 28th Nov 7:00pm-8pm: Meditation on Death, by Fr Loewenstein, after St Alphonsus Liguori, with organ interludes played by Fr Verrier. As November comes to an end, let us focus one last time on this salutary theme. All welcome.
PRIORY CAMPAIGN: Offers for different buildings and/or parts of them are being considered. Our trustees will discuss this this week. Please pray for an affordable agreement. Further donations are gratefully received. Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Welcome to Fr Andrew Jolly, our celebrant this Sunday, and also on St Andrew’s Day.
Fr de Malleray is in Limerick for a yearly gathering of Catholic families organized by Catholic Voice: https://www.lumenfidei.ie/.
New hymnbooks. We have invested in a new set. Surprisingly light for its dimensions, each blue volume offers a great choice of hymns, and the kyriale (Kyrie, Gloria etc) is included at the end in ‘modern’ notation for easier participation by the congregation.
Welcome to three new Choir members. Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir: iverrier@fssp.org
Wednesday 28th Nov. 12:10pm: Polyphonic Solemn Requiem for the repose of the soul of Fr Loewenstein’s father (anniversary).
May he rest in peace: Jim (David) Verrier died peacefully last Sunday morning. Fr Verrier (not related) had given him the Last Rites a month earlier, and Fr de Malleray said the prayers for the Departed Soul the morning he died. His Mass of funeral will take place at St Mary’s on Friday 7th December, 12:10pm.
Contact St Mary’s clergy if you would like to secure a traditional rite of funeral at St Mary’s. From experience, relatives may not take such a wish into consideration unless notified in writing; not in one’s will though, as it will be disclosed too late.
We can help you write down your preference.
Please pray for many more priests to be ordained with our Fraternity. Like Simon, Lydia, Peter, Stephany, Peter, Bartolomiej, Dorothy, Jerome and William, who will be enrolled in our international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry last 21st Nov, feast of the Presentation of Our Lady – make your prayer for vocations more efficient, visiting www.fssp.org/en/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/.
O Lord, grant us priests! O Lord, grant us holy priests! O Lord, grant us many holy priests!
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30.Already 5 men booked. Contact: malleray@ssp.org
Immaculate Conception Day for All:
on Sat. 8th December at St Mary’s Warrington, join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions, Spiritual Conferences and picnic.
10.00-11.25 am: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Benediction and Confession in the Church.
11.30 -12 noon: Talk by Fr Loewenstein on: ‘The significance of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception’
12.10 pm: Holy Mass
1.15 – 2.20 pm: Bring Your Own picnic lunch (nothing that needs heating) for your own family.
2.30 – 3.00 pm: Talk in the Church by Fr de Malleray on ‘Addressing the current Church crisis with The Immaculate’
– and Catechesis for children. Three groups; 0-6 crèche,7-10 yrs, 11-15 yrs.( Aged 16+ join adult Talk).
3.30 – 4.30 pm Blessing and Investiture with Miraculous Medal, Marian Procession around the Church, Rosary and Vespers.
All welcome!
SPUC Youth Conference 15-17 March 2019 Milton Keynes. As well as being a fantastically informative pro-life weekend, the conference is always great fun – a chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones at the bar, or at the famous Saturday night ceilidh. Like in previous years, Fr de Malleray will offer Mass both days and preach, as well as hear confessions. Booking/info: www.spuc.org.uk
Now is a good time to book for our Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.
by Fr AM
November 17, 2018
Click here to open as pdf.
18 November 2018 WEEKLY BULLETIN
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
(Picture below: St Cecilia, Patroness of Musicians – by Simon Vouet)

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 18 |
Resumed 6th Remaining Sunday after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
Joyce d’Arcy
Joan Mary McCallum |
Mon 19 |
St Elizabeth, Widow
+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Philip Hare RIP |
Tue 20 |
St Felix de Valois, Confessor |
12:10pm |
Fr A. Cordeiro S.J. RIP |
Wed 21 |
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
Pat Durkan |
Thur 22 |
St Cecilia, Virgin Martyr |
12:10pm |
Sheila Dodd |
Fri 23 |
St Clement I, Pope and Martyr
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
A special intention |
Sat 24 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St John of the Cross, Confessor Doctor |
12:10pm |
The Faithful Departed
William d’Arcy |
Sun 25 |
24th & Last Sunday after Pentecost |
6:00pm |
Special Intention
Ronald Hannah |
PRIORY CAMPAIGN: Offers for different buildings and/or parts of them are now being considered. Further donations are gratefully received. Please pray for an affordable agreement. Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Congratulations to Calin and Diana Matei whose second child Victoria, was baptised at St Mary’s last weekend by Fr Verrier. Please pray for little Victoria now a child of God, and for her family.
A Lecture to the Warrington Church History Society (EW Pugin in the NW England, and Warrington in particular) will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 22 November in Bethesda Evangelical Church (Stockton Heath).
St Mary’s is the work of this renowned architect, though he never saw it completed. Designed by E W Pugin, the foundation stone was laid in 1875, just days before his death.
Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir: iverrier@fssp.org
Wednesday 28th Nov. 12:10pm: Polyphonic Solemn Requiem for the repose of the soul of Fr Loewenstein’s father (anniversary)
Please pray for many more priests to be ordained with our Fraternity. Like Simon, Lydia, Peter, Stephany, Peter, Bartolomiej, Dorothy, Jerome and William, who will be enrolled in our international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry next 21st Nov, feast of the Presentation of Our Lady – make your prayer for vocations more efficient, visiting www.fssp.org/en/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/.
O Lord, grant us priests! O Lord, grant us holy priests! O Lord, grant us many holy priests!
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30.Already 5 men booked. Contact: malleray@ssp.org
Next Young Adults Meeting: Sat. 24th Nov, 1pm-4pm, St Mary’s – with talk by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP on the theme ‘Death’.
Immaculate Conception Day for All: on Sat. 8th December, join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Confession, Spiritual Conferences and picnic.
10.00-11.25 am: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Benediction and Confession in the Church.
11.30 -12 noon: Talk by Fr Loewenstein
12.10 pm: Holy Mass
1.15 – 2.20 pm: Bring Your Own picnic lunch (nothing that needs heating) for your own family.
2.30 – 3.00 pm: Talk in the Church by Fr de Malleray – and Catechesis for children. Three groups; 0-6 crèche,7-10 yrs, 11-15 yrs.( Aged 16+ join adult Talk).
3.30 – 4.30 pm Blessing and Investiture with Miraculous Medal, Marian Procession around the Church, Rosary and Vespers.
SPUC Youth Conference 15-17 March 2019 Milton Keynes. As well as being a fantastically informative pro-life weekend, the conference is always great fun – a chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones at the bar, or at the famous Saturday night ceilidh. Booking/info: www.spuc.org.uk
Now is a good time to book for the Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.
by Fr AM
November 11, 2018
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
11 November 2018 WEEKLY BULLETIN
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 11 |
Remembrance Sunday: Great War Centenary (1914-1918)
Resumed 5th Sunday remaining after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
St Mary’s fallen Soldiers
Sean Keenan RIP |
Mon 12 |
St Martin I, Pope Martyr
+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Ernest Kirkby |
Tue 13 |
St Didacus, Confessor |
12:10pm |
Sean Keenan RIP |
Wed 14 |
St Josaphat, Bishop Martyr
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
Louis Anderson RIP |
Thur 15 |
St Albert the Great, Bishop Confessor Doctor |
12:10pm |
Gordon Davies |
Fri 16 |
St Edmund, Bishop Confessor
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Nick Reynolds RIP |
Sat 17 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Gregory Thaumaturgus, Bishop Confessor |
12:10pm |
Roy Brooks RIP |
Sun 18 |
Resumed 6th Remaining Sunday after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
Joyce d’Arcy
Joan Mary McCallum |
The following Mass requests have been said this week as private Masses: Sean Keenan, Jack Ashworth, Mary Fitch, Patrick Keenan, Josephine Creegan.
Sacred Music at St Mary’s: Despite recent changes, we at St Mary’s Shrine have every intention to continue and actively support our long-standing musical tradition. After over a century, it would have stopped in 2015, had
priestly ministry not continued after the withdrawing of Ampleforth and Liverpool clergy. We thank our choir members for their generous service over the years. Liturgical singing aims at glorifying God, providing inspiration for worshippers.
Six months ago, Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP stepped in with short notice to prepare and help with the music at our priestly ordination. A professional musician, Fr Verrier has worked successfully with St Mary’s singers since then. He will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, in his new capacity as Organist and Choir Master, effective this Sunday, 11th Nov. We invite anyone interested to contact him to join St Mary’s Choir, including children for St Mary’s Junior Choir: iverrier@fssp.org.
Fr Verrier read Music at The University of Birmingham and pursued postgraduate cello performance at The Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) and gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education with specialist string teaching at the RNCM and The Manchester Metropolitan University. He plays the cello, harpsichord, organ and piano. After completing his studies, he taught Music and directed the choir and chant schola in a professional capacity at an international boarding school for two years. Following this, during his seven years at our international seminary he served as organist, led the polyphonic choir and the Gregorian chant schola.
PRIORY CAMPAIGN: We have just over 1/3 of the asking price: further donations are gratefully received. Please pray for an affordable agreement. Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Congratulations to Calin and Diana Matei whose second child Victoria, was baptised at St Mary’s yesterday by Fr Verrier. Please pray for little Victoria now a child of God, and for her family.
460 alive / 8 deceased…
We offered last Thursday a Solemn High Mass of Requiem for the deceased members of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. As a young and growing community (30 years old), we are fortunate to have so far very few members deceased. But soon our senior members will reach the end of their lives – unless many more of us die as martyrs.
Meanwhile, please pray for many more priests to be ordained with our Fraternity. Like Simon, Lydia, Peter, Stephany, Peter, Bartolomiej, Dorothy, Jerome and William, who will be enrolled in our international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry next 21st Nov, feast of the Presentation of Our Lady – make your prayer for vocations more efficient, visiting www.fssp.org/en/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/.
O Lord, grant us priests! O Lord, grant us holy priests! O Lord, grant us many holy priests!
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30.Already 4 men booked. Contact: malleray@ssp.org
Terry Gorman of Aid to the Church in Need thanks you all for your purchases of Christmas cards and other items last Sunday for £293.10 worth – a new record!
Next Young Adults Meeting: Sat. 24th Nov, 1pm-4pm, St Mary’s – with talk by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP on the theme ‘Death’.
Picture: All Saints Day at St Mary’s.
Thank you to the families who organised the Children’s Commemoration of World War 1 last Thursday.
This week and this Sunday, let us pray in particular for the repose of the souls of the 146 parishioners of St Mary’s who died in the Great War (1914-1918). R.I.P.
Immaculate Conception Day for All: on Sat. 8th December, join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Confession, Spiritual Conferences and picnic.
SPUC Youth Conference 15-17 March 2019 Milton Keynes. As well as being a fantastically informative pro-life weekend, the conference is always great fun – a chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones at the bar, or at the famous Saturday night ceilidh. Booking/info: www.spuc.org.uk
Now is a good time to book for the Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.
by Fr AM
November 8, 2018
Juventutem London Day of Recollection
with Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP.
Saturday, 17 November 2018 11:00-17:00
St Mary Moorfields, 4-5 Eldon Street, EC2M 7LS London

November focuses on the afterlife. On that month, Catholics celebrate the saints in heaven (1st Nov); and intercede for the Holy Souls in Purgatory (2nd Nov). On 11th Nov in Europe, we commemorate the end of the First World War, when victims died on an unprecedented scale. In England, by special indult, a Holy Mass of Requiem is even allowed on a Sunday to pray for those who died in battle. Those various motives are articulated in the doctrine of The Four Last Things: death, judgment, hell and heaven (the latter includes purgatory as its accidental antechamber). Comprising many fundamental dogmas, The Four Last Things is a most salutary doctrine.
During this recollection, Fr de Malleray will address questions such as: Why do we die? Can we change our minds after death? Is God bound to give us a last chance? If hell exists, is it empty? Does it last forever? Can we help souls in purgatory? Are all saints in heaven equal? And many more… During a convivial lunch in the church basement, we will be able to discuss informally these questions.
We welcome any young adults and young professionals 18-35 to attend this day of recollection
· 11am-12noon conference (40 mins talk + Q&As);
· 12noon-1pm Holy Mass;
· 1pm-2pm Lunch;
· 2pm-3pm Conference (40 mins talk + Q&As);
· 3pm-4pm Rosary and Tea;
· 4pm-5pm third conference (40 mins talk + Q&As) and departure.
Facebook page this event here.
by Fr AM
November 7, 2018
For more information on the Regina Caeli affiliate academy in Bedfordshire, click here.
The FSSP will have a key pastoral role in the life of the academy and we look forward to this addition to our thriving Bedford apostolate.

by Fr PD
November 4, 2018
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 4 |
4th Sunday remaining after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
John Taylor
David Tyrer |
Mon 5 |
Feast of the Holy Relics honoured in the Churches of the Diocese
+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Angela Christie |
Tue 6 |
Feria: Requiem Mass |
12:10pm |
John M. Wilson RIP |
Wed 7 |
Feria: Requiem Mass
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
Ernest Bennett RIP |
Thur 8 |
Feria: Requiem Mass |
12:10pm |
FSSP deceased |
Fri 9 |
Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Saviour (The Lateran Basilica, Rome) (2nd Class) + Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Ethan Jones |
Sat 10 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Andrew Avellino, Confessor |
12:10pm |
St Mary’s Shrine
Catherine Sibert |
Sun 11 |
Remembrance Sunday: Great War Centenary (1914-1918)
5th Sunday remaining after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
St Mary’s fallen Soldiers
Sean Keenan RIP |
The following Mass requests have been said this week as private Masses: Sheila Hollingsworth, Philip Chigwin RIP, Holy Souls, Josie Daintith RIP, Jack Ashworth RIP, Agnes McGaharan RIP, Sarah Keenan RIP, John Gillispie, Sean Keenan
It is with sadness that we announce that due to redundancy Michael Wynne is to step down as Director of Music as of 26 October 2018. Michael has always demonstrated huge dedication and commitment and we wish to express our appreciation for all that Michael has contributed. We wish him all the very best for the future.
We look forward to communicating next week on the next step for St Mary’s music.
We have just over 1/3 of the asking price: further donations are gratefully received. The vendor visited us here last week and will make a decision this week. Please pray for an affordable agreement.
Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Congratulations to Calin and Diana Matei whose second child Victoria, born five weeks ago, will be baptised at St Mary’s on Saturday 10th November at 3pm. Please pray for little Victoria about to become a child of God.
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30. Contact: malleray@ssp.org
40 Days for Life peaceful Prayer Vigils to save babies in Manchester: now ended. Thank you to all of you who went. One of our priests spent an hour there last week praying, while a young pro-abortion Muslim woman was keeping watch by the door of the abortuary…
ACN Christmas cards after 11am & 6pm Masses this Sunday 4th Nov. Please meet ACN Rep. Terry Gorman and purchase some great cards.
Next Young Adults Meeting: Sat. 24th Nov, 1pm-4pm, St Mary’s – with talk by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP.
Children’s Commemoration of World War 1, Thursday 8th November, 2 pm, in the narthex (at the back of church).
A series of short scenarios which tell of conversions during the Great War will be performed by children from St Mary’s Family Days. Concluding with prayers in the memorial chapel. All welcome.
This week and next Sunday, let us pray in particular for the repose of the souls of the 146 parishioners of St Mary’s who died in the Great War (1914-1918). R.I.P.
Why Catholic missions? Watch 22-mins video here: vimeo.com/296567126
On all the days from November 1st through November 8th inclusive, a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls in Purgatory, is granted to those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the departed. There must be one visit for each day one seeks to gain the indulgence; one visit will not apply for several days. Any public cemetery with Christian tombs will do. The nearest one is 5 minutes walk from St Mary’s: St Elphin’s, Church Street, WA1 2TL.
- Only one plenary indulgence can be granted per day.
2. It is necessary to be in the state of grace, at least by completion of the work.
3. Freedom from attachment to sin, even venial sin, is necessary; otherwise the indulgence is only partial. (By this is meant attachment to a particular sin, not sin in general.)
4. Holy Communion must be received each time the indulgence is sought.
5. Prayers must be recited for the intentions of the Holy Father on each day the indulgence is sought. No particular prayers are prescribed. One Our Father and one Hail Mary suffice, or other suitable prayers.
6. One must be absolved in confession the fortnight before or following.
912 Requiem Masses in 24hrs!
Last week we received the yearly statistics of the FSSP. We have 304 priests (460 members in total). Since each of our priests will have offered three Holy Masses of Requiem on 2nd November, this makes 912 Holy Masses for poor souls in Purgatory offered within one day, starting in New Zealand & Australia, following with Europe and Nigeria, reaching America and Colombia, ending later that day in California.
Every hour then, 38 FSSP priests offered the Divine Victim for the holy souls of our members, Confraternity members, benefactors and holy souls in general.
Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine.
Listen to our best-selling Requiem album here:
Immaculate Conception Day for All: on Sat. 8th December, join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Confession, Spiritual Conferences and picnic.
Autumn Count of average number of Confessions heard/week: 2015: 14; 2016: 32; 2017: 30; 2018: 45.
Average Mass attendance per week: 2017: 316; 2018: 340.
Now is a good time to book for the Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.
by Fr AM
November 3, 2018
Eucharistic Retreat
for the laity at Douai Abbey, Berks.: 22-24 February 2019

Starts Friday 22nd February 2019 with EF Holy Mass at 6PM,
before 7PM Supper (arrival from 4PM).
Ends Sunday 24th February 2019 at 3PM
after lunch and last conference.
Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP on the theme:
“The Most Holy Eucharist, Sun of our daily lives”.
Costs: £141.60 for single room with en-suite full board – ask Guestmaster for discounts for shared room
The price above is to meet the costs of Douai Abbey. Please budget an added £15 per person (suggested) to hand to Fr de Malleray while at the Abbey for the costs incurred by his Fraternity to organise and give the retreat (transport, advertising, preparation, delivery, accommodation).
Location: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ.
Booking: ATTENTION: Please book DIRECTLY with Douai Abbey. Please do NOT send any booking correspondence or fees to us. Thank you for sending your £30 deposit per person to: “Fr Finbar, O.S.B., Guestmaster, Eucharistic Retreat, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ, England”.
You are welcome to contact the Guestmaster for any query:
email: guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk
website: www.douaiabbey.org.uk
Tel: 0118 9715 399
by Fr AM
Released on 1st November 2018:

1. Members today
Total: 460 (incl. 304 incardinated)
• Priests: 304 (incl. 290 incardinated, 7 incorporated ad annum, 6 associated and 1 postulant)
• Deacons: 14
• Seminarians (excluding deacons and including postulants): 142
Average age of members: 38 years
• Deceased members: 8
Click here to open the full pdf document and find out more about:
by Fr AM
October 27, 2018
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
Winter time: clock move backwards. Arrive 1 hour LATER this Sunday.
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass
and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.
In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sun 28 |
Arrive 1 hour later: Winter time
Christ the King (1st Class) |
6:00pm |
David Tyler
Riley Michael Jones |
Mon 29 |
Feria: Votive Mass of the Blessed Trinity
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Ethan Jones |
Tue 30 |
Feria: Ferial Mass of 23rd Sunday after Pentecost |
12:10pm |
Ronand & Patricia Jones |
Wed 31 |
Feria: Votive Mass for Vocations
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm |
12:10pm |
James O’Donnell RIP |
Thur 1 |
All Saints (1st Class)
Holy Day of Obligation |
7:00pm Sung |
Louis Anderson RIP
John Middleton Gibson
Gordon Davies |
Fri 2 |
All Souls (1st Class)
Stations of the Cross for Priests following the Mass
All Souls: not a holyday of obligation, but most fitting to attend Mass to pray for our loved ones. |
12:10pm Sung
7:30pm |
Holy Father’s Intentions
Faithful Departed
Douglas&Janet Verrier RIP
Sean Keenan RIP
Holy Father’s Intentions
Faithful Departed
Eileen Parsons RIP |
Sat 3 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady’s Saturday, with Marian devotions |
12:10pm |
Pro Life
Gerard Wallace |
Sun 4 |
4th Sunday remaining after Epiphany |
6:00pm |
John Taylor
David Tyrer |
The following Mass requests have been said this week at private Masses: M Coughlan RIP, Crookall Family Intentions, Brenda Hancox, Colin Jones, Richard & Annie Hatton, Rev’d Thomas O’Hart, David & Sheila Parkinson, Tony McCoy, Holy Souls.
PRIORY CAMPAIGN: More Prayers Needed!
We are so DEEPLY GRATEFUL to all of you for the £541,256.36 raised since 18 July.
In addition, there is about £50,000.00 of Gift Aid: but this money will be sent to us by HM Revenue too late for purchase: it can only be used for conversion work later on. Put simply then, we are still short of £208,743.64 to buy even only one of the two buildings.

Please pray that the vendor will let us buy even part of one building for a just price. We hope to reach an agreement this week, please God.
Meanwhile, further donations are gratefully received.
Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.
Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30. Contact: malleray@ssp.org

40 Days for Life peaceful Prayer Vigils to save babies: From September 26 to November 4 – Outside Marie Stopes, 5 Wynnstay Grove, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 6XG
ACN Christmas cards after both Masses on Sunday 4th Nov.
Fireproofing upgrade: all our activities take place a usual.
Thief caught on CCTV: please do not leave valuables unattended.
All Saints Party, after 12:10 Mass, Thursday 1st November- All welcome!
Come along dressed as a saint, or bring a symbol for us to guess who you are. Meet in the priory house for a shared table. Games and pumpkin cutting (bring along your own, ready-hollowed pumpkins).
Children’s Commemoration of World War 1, Thursday 8th November, 2 pm, in the narthex (at the back of church).
A series of short scenarios which tell of conversions during the Great War will be performed by children from St Mary’s Family Days. Concluding with prayers in the memorial chapel. All welcome.
Congratulations to Nick Barrick and Julie Haynes (picture) who were formally betrothed before Holy Mass last Wednesday, on the feast of St Raphael Archangel, Patron of those engaged.
We assure them of our prayer as they begin their marriage preparation abroad.

Why Catholic missions? Last Sunday’s homily is on vimeo.com/296567126 (oops! 22 mins – it took longer than intended…)
On All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2nd ) a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls in Purgatory, is granted to those who visit a Catholic church and there recite one Our Father and one Creed.
On all the days from November 1st through November 8th inclusive, a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls in Purgatory, is granted to those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the departed. There must be one visit for each day one seeks to gain the indulgence; one visit will not apply for several days. Any public cemetery with Christian tombs will do. The nearest one is 5 minutes walk from St Mary’s: St Elphin’s, Church Street, WA1 2TL.
Conditions for both indulgences:
- Only one plenary indulgence can be granted per day.
2. It is necessary to be in the state of grace, at least by completion of the work.
3. Freedom from attachment to sin, even venial sin, is necessary; otherwise the indulgence is only partial. (By this is meant attachment to a particular sin, not sin in general.)
4. Holy Communion must be received each time the indulgence is sought.
5. Prayers must be recited for the intentions of the Holy Father on each day the indulgence is sought. No particular prayers are prescribed. One Our Father and one Hail Mary suffice, or other suitable prayers.
6. One must be absolved in confession the fortnight before or following.
Reminder on All Saints: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass.” (cf Catholic Code of Canon Law, 1247). A grave cause is needed to excuse from the obligation. In case of doubt, consult your priest in advance. Missing Holy Mass on those days without a grave cause is a mortal sin.
Thank you to Br Vincent-Mary Hoare, FSVF, and Peter Kahn for singing the Mass with Fr de Malleray as our singers are away for half term.
Autumn Count of average number of Confessions heard/week: 2015: 14; 2016: 32; 2017: 30; 2018: 45.
Average Mass attendance per week: 2017: 316; 2018: 340.
by Fr AM