Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court carparks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am-12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
LMS Representative Required: for Liverpool Archdiocese. Contact Neil Addison at Liverpool@lms.org.uk. Please note: St Mary’s Shrine already has an LMS rep.
FSSP Warrington v ICKSP Preston FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Saturday 19 Aug. Contact: Alban 07882 326942 or Fr Quirke, FSSP: frquirke@outlook.com.
You cannot play football? Same day and location: Sponsored walk for PrioryCourt Fundraising. Contact Elaine Merriman.
Deo gratias for Juventutem’s successful World Youth Day last 2-6 August in Lisbon and Fatima with Fr de Malleray, FSSP and Fr Evans, FSSP. Visit juventutem.org.
More vacant flats across the fence from St Mary’s at Charles Forbes Court Retirement Housing: Mersey Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2BH. Contact Mosscare St Vincents on 0161 226 4211.
MarianFranciscans Vocation Retreat 13-16 August in Dundee: vocations@themarianfranciscans.org
Regina Caeli Bedford vacancies: Head Teacher; Tutor; Centre Administrator: info@rcahybrid.org.uk.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us
for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds
With two of our local vocations intervening: David Kahn and Sr Mari Caritas:
March for Life London Sat 2 September! Book now your group ticket with Michael Hall m.hall@talk21.com: £56.00 per person day return Warrington-Euston.
Once booked with Michael, please pay the Shrine by 14 August, dropping your envelope at St Mary’s Presbytery with your name & surname and contact details.
Cf. marchforlife.co.uk
LiveMass sound issues are being investigated. Pray for the volunteers who give their time and expertise being the scenes for everybody’s benefit.
Weddings: Congratulations to Demetri and Maisie Newman-Brown married last 5 Aug (below receiving the blessing from Pope Francis in Rome soon after their wedding [pic since purchased by couple]); and to Adam Wallace and Bernadette Cunningham to be married on 26 August, both at St Mary’s Shrine.
Vermeer’s Angel at our bookshop: Fr de Malleray’s novel is available for sale, with special discount for Shrine visitors. Cf. aroucapress.com/vermeers-angel
Pre-Advent Retreat at Stonyhurst by Fr de Malleray 24-26 Nov. Info/booking: christianheritagecentre.com/events
Silver Jubilee of Fr Andrew Jolly, Sun 17 Sept. 11am Solemn Mass, followed by refreshments.
Pray for: Michael Ibbotson, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman, James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard. RIP: Julie Hoolie RIP; Francis Billington; Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal.
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Michael Hall and Family
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Priory Court Campaign
Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Intentions of Elaine Merriman
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin(Holy Day of Obligation)5:00pm Vespers
St Mary’s Academy Mary Ashley RIP Priory Court Conversion
St Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin
Priests and Laity of St. Mary’s
St Hyacinth, Confessor
Confraternity of St. Peter
St Helen, Empress, Widow
Anne and John Norris
St John Eudes, Confessor
Fr Peter Fox
Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon Vespers exceptionally at 5pm, not 6pm
A publisher, an editor, a novelist and an academic comment on a Catholic novel just released.
He survived Hiroshima. He escaped East-Germany. Will he elude the Church?
Deceased art expert Ken Kokura seemingly reappears in Japan, upsetting the plans of priestly diplomats. They fear, lest a ruthless schemer may have stolen his identity. How far will that possible super spy dare to go to subvert Church policy? The answer may be hidden in Vermeer’s celebrated paintings.
Against a Cold War backdrop, friendship, religion, the fine arts, and ideology intertwine. Loyalties are tested, leaving the only alternatives of betrayal or sacrifice. In the Church under attack, the worst infiltration is sin. Safety then will start with repentance.
Vermeer’s Angel is Fr de Malleray’s brilliant debut novel in an intriguing genre that could accurately be called ‘Vatican Noir’. The author’s detailed knowledge of the ecclesiastical backdrop and the artistic foreground make for a convincing ‘high resolution’ world in which ambition, morality, psychology, espionage and high drama intersect.
Pierpaolo Finaldi, Master of the Keys – The Catholic Writers Guild (UK). Pierpaolo Finaldi is also the CEO of The Catholic Truth Society.
A remarkable novel, a tale of Ostpolitik set in expertly orchestrated scenes alternating between the aftermath of Hiroshima and the collapse of Eastern European communism. Ingeniously interweaving the various strands of his fiction with real history, Japanese culture, Vatican diplomacy, Kim Philby’s Soviet spy ring, and a penetrating analysis of art that makes painting come alive, this is not only a culturally sophisticated narrative, but a gripping read, full of human interest.
Robert Asch, St Austin Review.
Writer, literary critic, and scholar, Robert Asch is co-editor of the St Austin Review and of the St Austin Press.
Armand de Malleray’s stunning prose draws the reader into a world of intrigue and uncertainty where nothing is quite as it seems. This is more than just a novel, it is a haunting meditation on the significance of memory, identity, betrayal, guilt and the insatiable human yearning for the Truth.
Fiorella De Maria, author of The Father Gabriel Mysteries
Award-winning novelist De Maria studied Literature in Cambridge and has published nine books with Ignatius Press.
Vermeer’s Angel is a triumph of a novel. It is a startlingly broad canvas that crosses several continents, cultures and decades, unfolding for the reader subtle readings of both artistic masterpieces and men’s souls. It is a novel about the loss of the self, caused by the atomic blast of modernity and the lingering radiation of older ills. It is a novel about memory and about self-betrayal, suffused with a gentle but persistent sense of the need to recover spiritual responsibility in a world of pragmatic compromise.
Brian Sudlow, author of Catholic Literature and Secularisation in France and England (Manchester University Press)
Dr Brian Sudlow teaches at Aston University (Birmingham, UK) and has written extensively about Catholic literature and Catholic thought in France and England.
Published by Arouca Press, 2023.
Vermeer’s Angel is available on the publisher’s website and on Amazon, including for UK customers, whose copy will be printed in the UK and shipped nationwide without custom taxes.
It is also for sale on the Latin Mass Society‘s bookshop.
Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court carparks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am-12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
LMS Representative Required: The present Latin Mass Society representative for Liverpool Archdiocese is moving away and a volunteer is requested to take over the role. The main tasks are writing a quarterly report for Mass of Ages magazine about what is happening in the Archdiocese and keeping local people informed of Masses and events. Anyone interested is asked to contact Neil Addison at Liverpool@lms.org.uk. Please note: St Mary’s Shrine already has an LMS rep.
2 Shrine sport events at Victoria Park, Knutsford Road WA41HN: 1) SPORTS DAY for all: Sunday 30 July after 11am Mass. Contact Alison Kahn with names and ages of participants on 07840072641.
2) FSSP Warrington v ICKSP Preston FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Saturday 19 Aug. Contact: Alban 07882 326942 or Fr Quirke, FSSP: frquirke@outlook.com.
Deo gratias for a great Summer Weekend of Juventutem at Ampleforth Abbey last week, with 70 young adults attending.
Juventutem will be present at World Youth Day 2-6 August in Lisbon and Fatima with Fr de Malleray, FSSP and Fr Evans, FSSP. Visit juventutem.org for location and schedule .
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us
for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds
Pray for the success of our camps this month in Macclesfield: boys 7-12 Aug; girls 14-19 Aug.
PRO-LIFE: Thank you for your generosity on our annual pro-life fete last 25 June: you raised £745.00! This included £285.50 for March for Life and £459.50 St Mary’s Pro Life fund.
March for Life London Sat 2 September! Book now your group ticket with Michael Hall m.hall@talk21.com: £68.00 per person day return Warrington-Euston. Once booked with Michael, please pay the Shrine by 14 August, dropping your envelope at St Mary’s Presbytery with your name & surname and contact details. Cf. marchforlife.co.uk
LiveMass sound issues are being investigated. Pray for the volunteers who give their time and expertise being the scenes for everybody’s benefit.
Evangelium Conference for young adults, 18-20 Aug, Oratory School, Reading RG8 0PJ; with Fr Gwilym Evans, FSSP. Visit www.evangelium.co.uk.
Vermeer’s Angel on the LMS bookshop, and at St Mary’s Shrine bookshop: Fr de Malleray’s novel is available for sale, with special discount for Shrine visitors. Cf. aroucapress.com/vermeers-angel.
Events at Stonyhurst next month: 3-6Aug: Catholicism and Contemporary Culture; 25-28 Aug Human Nature, Gender and Identity; and pre-Advent Retreat by Fr de Malleray 24-26 Nov. Info/booking: www.christianheritagecentre.com/events
Holy Masses are offered in private for : Joanne King, Claire Lyon, Terence Chesworth RIP, Private, Thanksgiving, Ethan Jones.
Pray for: Michael Ibbotson, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman, James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard. RIP: Julie Hoolie RIP; Francis Billington; Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal.
9th Sunday after Pentecost
Julie Hooley RIP
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Gordon Bradbury
St. Ignatius Loyola, Confessor
Jacinta Bradbury
St Peter in Chains, 3rd class FSSP
Lucianna Robinson
St. Alphonsus Liguori,Confessor Doctor
Celia Rynn
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
Nora & Thomas Higgins RIP
St. Dominic, Confessor
Crookall family intentions
First Friday Devotions
Michael Ibbotson
Dedication of St. Mary of the Snows 1st Sat; adoration & confessions 10am-12noon
Demetri & Maisie Newman-Brown : Nuptial Mass
Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ 5pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
9:00am 11:00am 6:00pm
Terence Keenan Preserv. Latin Mass, FSSP Ivan Mulligan RIP
Today, 18 July 2023, is the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by a dozen priests at the Abbey of Hauterive in Switzerland on 18 July 1988.
Schedule at St Mary’s Shrine on Tuesday 18 July 2023:
35th anniversary of Foundation of FSSP in Switzerland; St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor:
12:10pm Holy Mass
5:00pm Vespers
6:00pm Holy Mass
Act of Foundation
[Original: French]
By this act the undersigned clerics found the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter as a clerical Society of Apostolic Life, in conformity with the dispositions of CIC (can. 731-46), taking into consideration the exemption foreseen in the Protocol of 5 May 1988 and the Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei adflicta of 2 July 1988. This society can associate lay brothers to its work.
The Constitutions, which will specify the goals and the spirituality of this society, are inspired by the approved statutes of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, the society reserving to itself the right to make any changes which it judges necessary by reason of present circumstances.
The undersigned respectfully request the Holy See to approve the said society in the shortest delay possible in order that they may act effectively for the unity and the good of the Church.
Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court carparks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am-12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Wed. afternoon after classes
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Saturday 29 July: Vocation Discernment for LADIES (Catholic & single; -18 welcome with responsible adult). Please tell young ladies now about this unique opportunity. Young ladies from anywhere in the UK, come forward! This is no sign-up for convent, but a presentation of what religious life entails and why it is worth looking into.: with Sr Mari Caritas (then visiting from Minneapolis, erstwhile from St Mary’s Shrine) and Fr de Malleray, FSSP: Free. Bring your picnic.
Enquire now: stmaryssecretary@fssp.org.
10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
10:15am First Conference
11:30am Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Rosary and Confessions
12:10pm Holy Mass
1pm Shared picnic lunch
2pm Conference
3pm Quiet time or individual meeting with Father or Sister
2 Shrine sport events at Victoria Park, Knutsford Road WA41HN: 1) SPORTS DAY for all: Sunday 30 July after 11am Mass. Contact Alison Kahn with names and ages of participants on 07840072641.
2) FSSP Warrington v ICKSP Preston FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Saturday 19 Aug. Contact: Alban 07882 326942 or Fr Quirke, FSSP: frquirke@outlook.com.
Playgroup for 0-4 years olds, every Wednesday at 9:30am till 11:30am – please contact Carla Cilia for details carlagcilia@gmail.com.
Deo gratias for a great pilgrimage to Holywell last 8th July, attended by about 120 pilgrims of all ages.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us
for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds
Dowry Magazine, Summer issue now online: https://fssp.org.uk/category/dowry/. Read about Humility Month, Seminary Chapel, Coronation of King, Pugin in Tasmania, Catholic novel, and more.
March for Life London Sat 2 September! Book now
your group ticket with Michael Hall m.hall@talk21.com: £68.00 per person day return Warrington-Euston. Once booked with Michael, please pay the Shrine by 14 August, dropping your envelope at St Mary’s Presbytery with your name & surname and contact details. Cf. marchforlife.co.uk
Now 904 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Main homilies are uploaded regularly: youtube.com/@stmaryswarringtonyoutubech6943.
Evangelium Conference for young adults, 18-20 Aug, Oratory School, Reading RG8 0PJ; with Fr Gwilym Evans, FSSP. Visit www.evangelium.co.uk.
Vermeer’s Angel at our bookshop: Fr de Malleray’s novel is available for sale, with special discount for Shrine visitors. Cf. aroucapress.com/vermeers-angel
Events at Stonyhurst next month: 3-6Aug: Catholicism and Contemporary Culture; 25-28 Aug Human Nature, Gender and Identity. Info/bookings visit www.christianheritagecentre.com/events
Pray for: Michael Ibbotson, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman, James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard. RIP: Julie Hoolie RIP; Francis Billington; Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal.
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Peace in family
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Christine Laheen
Feria, Votive Mass Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Michael Bradbury
35th anniversary of Foundation of FSSP in Switzerland St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor; Vespers 5pm
12:10pm 6:00pm
Lawrence Hatton Celebrant’s intention
St. Vincent de Paul, Confessor
Sylvia Barcroft
St. Jerome Emiliani, Confessor
Miklos Homolya
St. Laurence of Brindisi, Confessor Doctor
Fr Laszlo Baranyai RIP
St. Mary Magdalen,Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon
Bob & Maria Haynes Anniv.
8th Sunday after Pentecost
Nora Higgins RIP
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Anthony Bradbury
Feria, Comm of St. Christina, Virgin & Martyr
Pamela Murray
St. James, Apostle
Paul Bradbury
St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin
Kate and Josh Wedding
Feria, Votive Mass for the sick
Jonas Rodrigues RIP
Sts. Nazarius, Celsus, Victor, Innocent, Martyrs
Wilfr. & Winif. Kilduff RIP
St. Martha, Virgin. Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon
Sat 29 July 2023: 10:00am-5:00pm. For single Catholic Ladies 18+ (under 18 welcome if accompanied by responsible adult family member), at St Mary’s Shrine Church, WA1 2NS, Warrington.
Conferences on discernment, celibacy and prayer, with Sr Mari Caritas (then visiting from Minneapolis, erstwhile from St Mary’s Shrine) and Fr de Malleray, FSSP. Free. Bring your picnic.
Bookings: stmaryssecretary@fssp.org.
SCHEDULE: 10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10:15am First Conference 11:30am Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Rosary and Confessions 12:10pm Holy Mass 1pm Shared picnic lunch 2pm Conference 3pm Quiet time or individual meeting with Father or Sister 4pm Last conference and refreshments 6pm Sung Vespers (on option)
Very last chance: don’t let empty spaces on our bus!
for our Shrine Pilgrimage to Holywell on Sat 8th July. Cost of travel: £15 per person return.
Contact us if you need sponsoring.
Book with stmaryssecretary@fssp.org or drop envelope through Presbytery letter box with payment (or not if you cannot afford it) in cash marked with your name, contact details, and stating “Holywell Bus” . We have now paid in full, so that money will be wasted if empty seats remain.
SCHEDULE: arrive by 9:45am at St Mary’s
10am Bus departs from St Mary’s Warrington
11am Holy Mass of St Winifred, Virgin and Martyr, in Holywell Parish Church, 15 Well St, Holywell CH8 7PL;
12:30pm: Veneration of Relic of St Winifred
1pm: To Basingwerk Abbey ruins for picnic lunch
3:30pm: At Pantasaph Friary, Stations of the Cross on open-air Calvary Hill and Wood (good walking shoes required for uneven grounds)
4:30pm: visit of Pugin Parish Church/refreshments
5pm: Back on bus and return by 6pm at St Mary’s
6pm: Stay on for Sung First Vespers of Ss Thomas More & John Fisher, Martyrs
Meet us directly in Holywell without booking if you don’t travel on our bus.
Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court carparks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am-12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Wed. afternoon after classes
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Playgroup for 0-4 years olds, every Wednesday at 9:30am till 11:30am – please contact Carla Cilia for details carlagcilia@gmail.com.
THANK YOU to all who helped make last weekend a huge SUCCESS with 24 candidates confirmed and Priory Hall blessed by Archbishop McMahon,
Rain at the end prevented the draw of the Pro-life basket raffle last Sunday: it will take place after the 11am Mass on Sunday 2 July. Please bring your ticket to claim your prize.
for our Shrine Pilgrimage to Holywell on Sat 8th July. Cost of travel: £15 per person return.
Contact us if you need sponsoring. Book with stmaryssecretary@fssp.org or drop envelope through Presbytery letter box with payment in cash marked with your name, contact details, and stating “Holywell Bus” . We have now paid in full, so that money will be wasted if empty seats remain.
SCHEDULE: arrive by 9:45am at St Mary’s
10am Bus departs from St Mary’s Warrington
11am Holy Mass of St Winifred, Virgin and Martyr, in Holywell Parish Church, 15 Well St, Holywell CH8 7PL;
12:30pm: Veneration of Relic of St Winifred
1pm: To Basingwerk Abbey ruins for picnic lunch
3:30pm: At Pantasaph Friary, Stations of the Cross on open-air Calvary Hill and Wood (good walking shoes required for uneven grounds)
4:30pm: visit of Pugin Parish Church/refreshments
5pm: Back on bus and return by 6pm at St Mary’s
6pm: Stay on for Sung First Vespers of Ss Thomas More & John Fisher, Martyrs
Meet us directly in Holywell without booking if you don’t travel on our bus.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us
for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds
Dowry Magazine, Summer issue now online. Read about Humility Month, Seminary Chapel, Coronation of King, Pugin in Tasmania, Catholic novel, and more.
In this issue:
Editorial: Why June is Humility Month
Fr de Malleray considers that the month of the Sacred Heart is also that of the Holy Eucharist with Corpus Christi. The example of St Francis of Assisi whose humility is universally acknowledged shows a little spoken-off connection between the saint and the Holy Eucharist.
Prayerful Pro-Life Witness
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the courageous young woman who was arrested for praying silently outside an abortuary, explains why bearing witness to life is part of the Gospel. She invites all to the March for Life in London on 2 September.
English Architect and Irish Pews in Bavaria
English seminarian David rejoices at the beautiful improvements to the community chapel at the International Seminary of St Peter in Bavaria, enhanced by unexpected contributions from the British Isles.
On the Coronation of King Charles III
Homily from Warrington on the day of Coronation, giving thanks for the Christian rite of coronation, a powerful reminder of the Christian identity of the the United Kingdom. The ritual calls for conforming the life of sovereign and people to the sweet law of Christ, King of kings.
Pugin at the Far End of the World
Brian Andrews, Heritage Officer for the Diocese of Hobart, explains A.W.N. Pugin’s influence as far as Tasmania, illustrated by stunning pictures that bear witness to the global influence of the great Catholic convert architect.
Traditional Ministry in Australia
Fr Roger Gilbride, FSSP, formerly in England, recalls the humble beginning of the FSSP in Australia until its upgrade to a fully-fledged district.
Vermeer’s Angel, a New Catholic Novel
Four representatives of the world of letters comment on a Catholic novel just released: a Catholic publisher, a literary review editor, a novelist and a university lecturer took pleasure in reading a story where friendship, religion, the fine arts, and ideology intertwine against a Cold War backdrop. In the Church under attack, the worst infiltration is sin. Safety then will start with repentance.
Our Lady Helps Build the Village
Building up a vibrant Catholic sanctuary is more needed than ever in our uncertain times. Not for the first time over the past 5 years, divine Providence has helped the Priory Campaign in Warrington. The versatile Shrine hall was recently blessed by the Archbishop of Liverpool, but help is still needed for completion of work. Visit our new fundraising webpage: https://www.lifefunder.com/fsspwarrington.
Support our Apostolate
As the FSSP expands across the British Isles, assistance in many ways is requested, while a broad range of media is offered to all to strengthen their faith and evangelise.
COMING VERY SOON: please tell young ladies now about this unique opportunity. Surely not only young men wish to hear how to discern God’s calling.
Young ladies from anywhere in the UK, come forward! This is no sign-up for convent, but a presentation of what religious life entails and why it is worth looking into.
Vocation Discernment Day for LADIES
(Catholic & single): Sat 29 July
with Sr Mari Caritas (then visiting from Minneapolis, erstwhile from St Mary’s Shrine) and Fr de Malleray, FSSP: 10:00am-5:00pm.
1) a versatile Shrine hall sitting 218 guests and pilgrims (Middle Floor);
2) classrooms, repository and admin space (Ground Floor);
3)twelve bedrooms for pilgrims, visiting seminarians and priests (Top Floor).
Before lockdown we did raise £1M to buy and convert this property, next door to our beautiful church. But costs have soared since Covid. With us, invest in re-evangelising England.
This is how:
→ We are a traditional Catholic hub in Great-Britain with 500 visits per week;
→ With several FSSP priests serving God and souls full time;
→ Daily traditional Mass and confessions;
→ Teaching the faith to children (home-schooling group, St Mary’s Academy) and adults (Men and Ladies’ groups, Juventutem youth group, converts classes);
→ Sustained pro-life involvement (LifeSiteNews; SPUC, Good Counsel Network, March for Life UK);
[Please note, the video above was recorded before the Covid crisis but the pastoral aim of the Priory Campaign remains.]
→ Quarterly magazine Dowry to spread the faith and other publications;
→ St Mary’s Academy to help our children become saints; on the very spot where the nuns of the Venerable Elizabeth Prout (foundress of the female branch of the Passionists) taught children for decades;
→ First priestly ordinations in the traditional form in England and yearly Confirmations by local Archbishop;
→ Best stability: St Mary’s Shrine is so far in England the only place of its kind legally owned by a traditional order; and the FSSP has a special decree from the Pope to use the traditional liturgy for all the sacraments.
God bless you.
Pray for: Michael Ibbotson, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman, James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard. RIP: Francis Billington; Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal. Masses were offered privatelyfor: Josie Taylor, Teresa Wakefield, Michael Ibbotson, Sarah Kreenan, Joseph Murphy, James B. Megarry RIP, Valentine M. Connell, Pat Kavanaugh, Arthur Byrne RIP, Crookall Family, M. & R. Kilgalen & Family
Fr de Malleray considers that the month of the Sacred Heart is also that of the Holy Eucharist with Corpus Christi. The example of St Francis of Assisi whose humility is universally acknowledged shows a little spoken-off connection between the saint and the Holy Eucharist.
Prayerful Pro-Life Witness
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the courageous young woman who was arrested for praying silently outside an abortuary, explains why bearing witness to life is part of the Gospel. She invites all to the March for Life in London on 2 September.
English Architect and Irish Pews in Bavaria
English seminarian David rejoices at the beautiful improvements to the community chapel at the International Seminary of St Peter in Bavaria, enhanced by unexpected contributions from the British Isles.
On the Coronation of King Charles III
Homily from Warrington on the day of Coronation, giving thanks for the Christian rite of coronation, a powerful reminder of the Christian identity of the the United Kingdom. The ritual calls for conforming the life of sovereign and people to the sweet law of Christ, King of kings.
Pugin at the Far End of the World
Brian Andrews, Heritage Officer for the Diocese of Hobart, explains A.W.N. Pugin’s influence as far as Tasmania, illustrated by stunning pictures that bear witness to the global influence of the great Catholic convert architect.
Traditional Ministry in Australia
Fr Roger Gilbride, FSSP, formerly in England, recalls the humble beginning of the FSSP in Australia until its upgrade to a fully-fledged district.
Vermeer’s Angel, a New Catholic Novel
Four representatives of the world of letters comment on a Catholic novel just released: a Catholic publisher, a literary review editor, a novelist and a university lecturer took pleasure in reading a story where friendship, religion, the fine arts, and ideology intertwine against a Cold War backdrop. In the Church under attack, the worst infiltration is sin. Safety then will start with repentance.
Our Lady Helps Build the Village
Building up a vibrant Catholic sanctuary is more needed than ever in our uncertain times. Not for the first time over the past 5 years, divine Providence has helped the Priory Campaign in Warrington. The versatile Shrine hall was recently blessed by the Archbishop of Liverpool, but help is still needed for completion of work.
Support our Apostolate
As the FSSP expands across the British Isles, assistance in many ways is requested, while a broad range of media is offered to all to strengthen their faith and evangelise.