Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

Latest News

September 29, 2018

New Video on Priory Campaign

VIDEO on the Priory Campaign! Click HERE or on the picture below to see what we have to say about Catholic education, ordinations, liturgical beauty, assistance to families and more! A great thank you to Stefano Mazzeo who made the video! Please forward the link to your friends and acquaintances: we have less than 3 weeks left to raise the remaining GBP1.2m… Thanks to your generosity, since 18 July we received GBP545,000.00 as pledges. Please pray for a miracle: we have […]

September 25, 2018

Juventutem Reading

For young adults.
Thursday 27th September at 7pm in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU

September 13, 2018

Miracle donation boosts Priory Campaign to 1/3 raised!

Dear Friends, Greetings. Thank you for your expressed interest for our Priory Campaign and/or for your generous pledge. I am delighted to announce that we have now nearly 1/3 of the amount pledged! If you mean to send a donation, please find below the information for you now to order the transfer to our charity. Please email our Shrine Secretary Jane Wright at warrington@fssp.org for any assistance. To donate, please make the cheque or bank transfer payable to ‘FSSP ENGLAND’; write […]

Dowry 39 Autumn Issue now online

thumbnail of 2018-09-12 Dowry 39 ONLINE

Special Priory Campaign issue and new Personal Parish! Click here or on the picture to open the pdf: In this issue: Editorial: Happy Thirtieth Anniversary One More Priest Ordained, And More To Follow The PRIORY CAMPAIGN: 18 July – 18 Oct 18 First EF Personal Parish in the United Kingdom Who is the Patron Saint of our New Parish? Tu Es Sacerdos in Æternum: Since June 9, 2018 Alexander of Hales’ Theory of Matrimony The Prayers of the Angel of Fatima […]

September 9, 2018

Bishop of Portsmouth establishes FSSP Parish in Reading

  It is our great joy to announce that on 8 September 2018, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bishop Philip Egan, the Bishop of Portsmouth, established us as a Personal Parish, under the patronage of St John Fisher.  Our parish community will continue to be located at St William of York Church, Reading, until such time as a permanent home can be found.  To view the joint press statement from the Diocese and FSSP please click here.  For more information regarding the […]

Ladies’ Group this Saturday

The St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group meets this Saturday at St John Fisher House. 10am Mass, followed by coffee and croissants c.11.15 Spiritual Talk c.12.15 opportunity for Confessions