Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

Latest News

February 21, 2022

Pope Francis confirms the liturgical identity of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter

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Dear Friends, His Holiness Pope Francis has confirmed the liturgical identity of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (see below). Deo gratias for such a response from heaven to your prayers!We note that: The meeting of the FSSP superiors with the Holy Father took place during our Novena of Preparation of Worldwide Solemn Consecration of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Further, the Decree confirming our liturgical identity is dated 11th February, the Feast […]

February 18, 2022

Launch of New Catholic, Classical Academy in Warrington at St Mary’s Shrine: Spread the word, September 2023.

St Mary’s Academy Warrington http://www.stmarysacademywarrington.co.uk/ A very warm welcome to St Mary’s Shrine and Academy. How did this all start… St Mary’s Academy is very much a grass roots academy inspired by an article written in the Dowry called ‘The Villiage Option’. Click here to read the whole article. A few Homeschooling families from the Parish got together once a week on Wednesday to learn, pray and socialise. We decided that we would like more of the same thing and therefore wanted […]

February 7, 2022

Dowry 52 Winter Edition is online

In this issue: Westerners in 2022 can learn from the heroic fidelity demonstrated by Catholic Poland during WWII and later. Hoping against hope, a generation of young Catholic men and women stood up for their faith and country both at home and abroad. We British and Irish Catholics must love deeper Christ, Our Lady, Holy Church and the saints; and gather together in order to save our souls in the present and forthcoming trials. At the heart of the current […]

January 29, 2022

Solemn Consecration of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 11 February

To seek Our Lady’s increased protection on the Fraternity of St Peter and all those entrusted to our care, there will be a wordwide Marian consecration on 11 February, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Every day after Mass, 2-10 of February, we will pray a novena for the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in preparation for this consecration. All members of the Confraternity of St Peter, and any faithful in our apostolates are invited to join in this […]

December 17, 2021

Why Young People Choose Consecrated Celibacy

Scroll down to two videos on this topic by Fr de Malleray By Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, Chaplain to the Juventutem London Youth Group (this article first appearead in Dowry Mag No51, Autumn 2021) Who is left? Looking at the group picture of about twenty young Catholics, my finger points at one face after another while next to me a young friend comments: “Gone. She’s also gone. He’s gone as well. They’re gone too.” The picture was taken on […]

November 28, 2021

Upcoming Events in Reading

Saturday 4 December Solemn candlelit Rorate Mass – 7am Advent Recollection, 10.15am-1pm, led by Deacon Gwilym Evans, FSSP. Tuesday 7 December Solemn First Vespers for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – 6pm

November 27, 2021

DOWRY Mag No51 online

Autumn 2021 In this issue, Editorial: The Heenan Indult Turns Fifty Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP looks back at the petition in favour of the traditional Latin Mass by scores of British men and women of the world of culture and the arts, some non Catholic and some non Christian. Pope Paul VI was convinced to grant permission for the traditional Latin missal to be used further in England, and asked Mgr Bugnini to express his permission to Cardinal Heenan […]

October 23, 2021

All Saints and All Souls Masses

All Saints’ Day (1 Nov: Holy Day of Obligation) St William of York, Reading: 10am (Low Mass) & 7pm (Sung Mass) Our Lady’s, Chesham Bois: 11am (Low Mass) Christ the King, Bedford: 7.30pm (Low Mass) All Souls’ Day (2 Nov) St William of York, Reading: two consecutive Low Masses, starting 10am; Sung Mass with Absolutions at the Catafalque, 7pm Christ the King, Bedford: three consecutive Low Masses (Communion only at the first two), starting at 10am.