Latest News
November 27, 2021
Autumn 2021 In this issue, Editorial: The Heenan Indult Turns Fifty Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP looks back at the petition in favour of the traditional Latin Mass by scores of British men and women of the world of culture and the arts, some non Catholic and some non Christian. Pope Paul VI was convinced to grant permission for the traditional Latin missal to be used further in England, and asked Mgr Bugnini to express his permission to Cardinal Heenan […]
November 20, 2021
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 21 Nov-5 Dec 2021 (fortnightly) Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool. 01925 635664 Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ) Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP (any Mass bookings) Deacon: Rev Gwilym Evans, FSSP Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane […]
November 6, 2021
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 7-21 Nov 2021 (fortnightly) Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool. 01925 635664 Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ) Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP (any Mass bookings) Deacon: Rev Gwilym Evans, FSSP Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane Receive this […]
October 22, 2021
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 24 Oct-7 Nov 2021 (fortnightly) Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool. 01925 635664 Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ) Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP (any Mass bookings) Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane Receive this newsletter by email […]
October 14, 2021
All Saints Parade/Celebration While the feast of All Saints will be celebrated on Monday 1st Nov, let us gather the day before as follows: Sunday 31st October after 11am Holy Mass, during an extended tea and coffee social in Priory Court. Bring a small contribution of food or drink for a shared table if you wish. All ages welcome, young and old! Come dressed as a saint, or with a symbol for us to identify who you are representing. For […]
October 9, 2021
Welcome to our First-Time Visitors! We are glad to share with you the beauty and depth of the traditional Latin Mass. Find out more on St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 10-24 Oct 2021 (fortnightly) Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool. 01925 635664 Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ) […]
October 8, 2021
Pray for our Second Year seminarian David, from Warrington, who will receive First Tonsure and the cassock on 23rd October, together with 32 more fellow seminarians (16 in Bavaria and 17 in Nebraska). Please also pray for our 49 First Year seminarians who started formation last month, including Federico from Wales. Watch our short video Called to become a priest… Re-read earlier articles and homilies on Vocations: Light the Beacons! (2015) Are You the Fiftieth? (2010) Vocation Discernment Weekend in […]
Why on earth already 12 young adults from Juventutem UK have embraced consecrated celibacy! Find out at a day of reflection, prayer and friendship in London organised by Juventutem London. For single Catholic men and women 18-35. Preacher: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Cf Reflections on the relevance of religious life for young adults in Covid 2020s. Why not a few young people are attracted to it? How do they discern? Are they not afraid? Where is safe to […]
October 1, 2021
A message from Fr Philomeno James, of the Gosport Franciscans +JMJ+ Ave Maria A MESSAGE TO HELPERS We are trying to take the 40days Campaign onto a New level. This involves the training of Pavement Counsellors who can engage the Mother’s in “Crisis” at the vigil. There are certain guidelines to follow. Perhaps Jesus and Mary are calling you to this most important ministry. As part of your response to prayer, if you are called to be generous and try […]