His Holiness Pope Francis has confirmed the liturgical identity of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (see below). Deo gratias for such a response from heaven to your prayers! We note that:
The meeting of the FSSP superiors with the Holy Father took place during our Novena of Preparation of Worldwide Solemn Consecration of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Further, the Decree confirming our liturgical identity is dated 11th February, the Feast of the Apparitions of Our Lady in Lourdes, and the day of the Worldwide Solemn Consecration of the FSSP. Therefore, after God almighty our gratitude goes to the Immaculate Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The news was released on 21st February when First Vespers of the Feast of the Chair of Peter occur, it being a First Class Feast in our Fraternity. Thus we also must express our gratitude to our Patron St Peter the Apostle, and must pray further for his successor Pope Francis.
In thanksgiving therefore, we invite you to attend Holy Mass tomorrow, especially if you live near an FSSP Mass centre. At St Mary’s Warrington Holy Mass will be sung tomorrow on Tuesday 22nd February at 12:10pm, followed by a sung Te Deum. We invite all who live at a distance to pray with us via LiveMass.net. Reminder for members of the Confraternity of Saint Peter: plenary indulgence tomorrow at the usual conditions. Although we all must pray further for any clergy and laity to benefit from the riches of the Roman traditions of the Church, the communiqué below must strengthen the hopes of all loyal Catholics.
Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Fribourg, February 21, 2022
On Friday, February 4, 2022, two members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr. Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad, were received in private audience by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for nearly an hour.
During the very cordial meeting, they recalled the origins of the Fraternity in 1988, the Pope expressed that he was very impressed by the approach taken by its founders, their desire to remain faithful to the Roman Pontiff and their trust in the Church. He said that this gesture should be “preserved, protected and encouraged”.
In the course of the audience, the Pope made it clear that institutes such as the Fraternity of St. Peter are not affected by the general provisions of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, since the use of the ancient liturgical books was at the origin of their existence and is provided for in their constitutions.
The Holy Father subsequently sent a decree signed by him and dated February 11, the day the Fraternity was solemnly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confirming for the members of the Fraternity the right to use the liturgical books in force in 1962, namely: the Missal, the Ritual, the Pontifical and the Roman Breviary.
Grateful to the Holy Father, the members of the Fraternity of St. Peter are in thanksgiving for this confirmation of their mission. They invite all the faithful who feel close to them as a spiritual family to attend or join them in prayer at the Mass tomorrow, on the feast of the Chair of St. Peter, and to pray for the Supreme Pontiff.
Decree of Pope Francis confirming the use of the 1962 liturgical books
The Holy Father Francis, grants to each and every member of the Society of Apostolic Life “Fraternity of Saint Peter”, founded on July 18, 1988 and declared of “Pontifical Right” by the Holy See, the faculty to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass, and to carry out the sacraments and other sacred rites, as well as to fulfill the Divine Office, according to the typical editions of the liturgical books, namely the Missal, the Ritual, the Pontifical and the Roman Breviary, in force in the year 1962.
They may use this faculty in their own churches or oratories; otherwise it may only be used with the consent of the Ordinary of the place, except for the celebration of private Masses. Without prejudice to what has been said above, the Holy Father suggests that, as far as possible, the provisions of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes be taken into account as well. Given in Rome, near St. Peter’s, on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the year 2022, the ninth year of my Pontificate.
A very warm welcome to St Mary’s Shrine and Academy. How did this all start…
St Mary’s Academy is very much a grass roots academy inspired by an article written in the Dowry called ‘The Villiage Option’. Click here to read the whole article. A few Homeschooling families from the Parish got together once a week on Wednesday to learn, pray and socialise. We decided that we would like more of the same thing and therefore wanted to increase it to two, then three days a week. We also realised that it needed to be more structured, so we created a curriculum and a number of resources. So essentially it has become a Catholic classical homeschooling-hybrid academy. We are a growing academy and are currently have reached year 5. We intend to grow up to GCSE and maybe beyond.
At Saint Mary’s Academy we are not trying to do something new or innovative with the Curriculum. In fact quite the opposite we are doing something old, or to put it another way something Classical. Every young person has a desire to be great, and often this is either subdued or misdirected in the modern world towards vice. However, what would this desire look like if it where nurtured into the greatness that God has planned for us. Well we have to look no further than the Saints to see what true greatness looks like. So by classical education we mean an education fitting for saints in the making. In doing so we are standing on the shoulders of giants like Aristotle, St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas.
I have taught in OFSED judged ‘Good’ or ‘outstanding’ state schools for over 20 years and could honestly say that good or outstanding are certainly not words that I would use to describe them, despite some of their good exam results.
Soon into my teaching career I began to notice something was fundamentally wrong with modern schools. I am not saying the teachers were not good, in fact some of them were outstanding, virtuous and inspirational. It was not for lack of effort, often we would work 70 hour weeks and still take work home. In my opinion the reason modern schools have lost their way is because they have lost sight of what education is for. So it has become for whatever the most dominant force decides it is for, and today that is Modernism in its many guises ie; cultural marxism, moral relativism, and materialism. It is as if the value of the child is only recognised through what they achieve. This is not what the Classical thinkers taught us.
According to Aristotle the aim of all education is Eudaimonia which is human happiness or human flourishing through mastering of the virtues. As the Angelic doctor, St Thomas Aquinas reminds us, True education not only works towards what we must know and do in this life, but always keeps in view man’s ultimate end in God…
Welcome to our First-Time Visitors! We are glad to share with you the beauty and depth of the traditional Latin Mass. Find out more on lms.org.uk/faqs. Did you know? Coffee/tea in parish hall after 11am Sunday Mass. We look forward to meeting you.
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin
13-26 Feb 2022 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Priory Court Car Park reserved for Academy every Mondays and Thursdays; available ALL other days. Church car park available 7/7: please now use ALL empty spaces, including outside Presbytery & Garage.
Free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in the state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the traditional liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter our church.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Thank you for having joined in the Novena in preparation to the Solemn Consecration of the FSSP to the Immaculate Heart of Mary last 11 Feb. May Our Lady Immaculate protect and guide our priestly community in its worship of God and service to souls.
Pray for our 15 subdeacons ordained on 12th Feb.
Support our children’s Catholic education! Promote and attend the
OPEN Day of Regina Caeli ACADEMYWarrington on Sat. 5th March 11am-2pm.
Already half a dozen families have moved to or near Warrington over the past year to benefit from our liturgical, devotional and educational opportunities. More families are willing to follow. The Academy is an essential feature of our educational mission. Come and meet staff, parents, children and chaplain. 11am Presentation; 12:10pm Holy Mass with homily by Academy Chaplain Fr de Malleray; 1pm Shared lunch and further Q&As.
A seventh family within the past 12 months is now moving to Warrington, from Berkshire this time. But finding a place to rent or buy is proving difficult. Let us pray together the Litany of St Joseph daily (after public Shrine Mass) for the Protector of Families to secure good homes for our newly arrived families and for more who wish to move here.
500 weekly visits to St Mary’s Shrine Church: half on weekdays and half on Sundays. Thank you, Cleaning Team!
Dowry Mag Winter Issue now online:
In this issue:
Westerners in 2022 can learn from the heroic fidelity demonstrated by Catholic Poland during WWII and later. Hoping against hope, a generation of young Catholic men and women stood up for their faith and country both at home and abroad. We British and Irish Catholics must love deeper Christ, Our Lady, Holy Church and the saints; and gather together in order to save our souls in the present and forthcoming trials. At the heart of the current battle is the education of our little ones as God’s children.
Editorial: It Is Happening – St Mary’s Academy
Fr de Malleray explains why education is central to his Fraternity’s mission, now implemented through the hybrid Regina Caeli Academies in Bedford and Warrington. Four years after it was indicated as the aim of the successful Priory Campaign, the “Village Option” has become a necessity for families to survive and pass on the faith to their children.
Educating the Saints of Tomorrow
Justin Bozzino presents the hybrid model of the Regina Caeli academies, successfully adapted from America for UK families. He invites families to register for the Warrington Open Day on Saturday 5th March (11am-2pm): www.rcahybrid.org.uk/info.
Heroic Poles in the Battle of Britain
Richard Kornicki reminds us of the crucial role of Polish pilots in the Battle of Britain. Air Officer Commanding RAF Fighter Command Hugh Dowding said: “Had it not been for the magnificent material contributed by the Polish Squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say the outcome of Battle would have been the same”.
Young Women reflect on the Warsaw Uprising
Dowry asks two Polish young women settled in England how they relate to the heroism of a late fellow-Pole Cecylia Wolkowinska portrayed in her autobiography When the Summer Ended (written in collaboration with Joanna Bogle), from her youth in free Poland after WWI until the Nazi invasion of her country and the heroic uprising against the occupier in 1944. What inspiration, what lessons can young people in 2022 Britain learn from their heroic forebears fighting for freedom?
A Polish Army liberates Monte Cassino
Mark Kudlowski pays tribute to the determination of the Polish units who first reached the world-famous Abbey of Monte-Cassino eventually freed from Nazi occupation. Since Europe was civilised largely by the Benedictines stemming from Monte-Cassino, this victory over the anti-Christian forces of Adolf Hitler can inspire us in our third-millennium struggle for the Christian civilisation.
Elizabeth Prout, Mother Teresa of Manchester
Rosalind Starkie reviews Edna Hamer’s book on the Venerable Elizabeth Prout (1820–1864), Foundress of the female branch of the Passionist Order in Victorian England. A convert, Elizabeth Prout brought solace, education and hope to many women, girls and families suffering under inhuman conditions in the slums of Manchester during the Industrial Revolution.
A Bigger God
James Gillick shows that modern telescopes have given men a better idea of the magnitude of the cosmos. This humbles the wise, but terrifies the proud. They react with violence and manic ambition at the expense of true culture and spirituality. Christian artists and thinkers must depict anew the splendour of the Saviour for the benefit of mankind.
Meditations on the Stabat Mater
Religious superiors and theologians express their interest for the medieval liturgical sequence displaying the sufferings of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross on Good Friday. A commentary on the Stabat Mater just released by CTS can be a good companion for the forthcoming Lent.
Dowry is the quarterly magazine of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in the UK & Ireland. Since its inception in 2008, the magazine has published dozens of articles on topics as diverse as theology, family life, education, the sacraments, Church Magisterium, art, politics, literature, cinema, spirituality, liturgy and more.
We welcome submissions of articles, poetry, pictures and drawings if deemed compatible with our traditional Catholic scope. Any submission must be by email to malleray@fssp.org with (small) attachments in digital format. We cannot guarantee to answer, let alone publish, each and all submission. Thank you for your interest. Contact us to be sent bulk quantities of Dowry for dispatching among your friends and acquaintances, especially if you are part of a parish, or a community or some other institution.
Thank God for a great pilgrimage to York last 5th Feb:
60 pilgrims from St Mary’s Shrine prayed at St Margaret Clitherow’s shrine and venerated her hand, walked the city walls and prayed for the conversion of England at York Minster. Thank you Fr Verrier, Deacon Evans and Andrew for logistics, Frs Quirke and Stewart and Deacon Evans for inspiring talks and homilies, and the Oratorian Fathers for their welcome. Now, where to for our next pilgrimage?
Quiet time before Mass from 11:50am: as requested by some, now 15mins silence before daily Mass, in between Holy Rosary and Angelus (now at 12:05pm).
Roof leaking: Thank you for the money raised and donated. Solutions are being examined.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. While the overall income is still far from covering the actual expenses of the Shrine, it is comforting to see how generously you respond. God bless you all.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ;
Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ;
Account name: FSSP Warrington
First Holy Communions: Register by the end of February with Deacon Evans to start preparation on Sunday 6th March, in time for ceremony on Corpus Christi Sunday 19th June, 11am.
Just arrived: 50 new Baronius hand missals. Bring £35 in cash and receive your copy after 11am Sunday Mass.
CTS interviews Fr de Malleray on his Meditations on the Stabat Mater, just released: https://fb.watch/b3l3w6BmVV/.
St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group, one Saturday a month, 1pm shared lunch and 2pm doctrinal/spiritual talk with Q&As: 19 Feb; 19 Mar; 9 Apr; 21 May; 11 Jun; 9 Jul. Any ladies 18+ welcome!
English Conversation Classeshave started for anyone, especially our new parishioners from Hong Kong, Poland or elsewhere. In a relaxed setting for an hour over a cup of tea, coffee and snack. Individuals, couples and families, all welcome. Most Tuesdays after the 12:10pm Mass in Priory Court Unit 1. Contact Alison a.f.kudlowski@btinternet.com.
Latin Classes for beginners will start at St Mary’s weekly, by qualified teacher. Ideal to understand better the Holy Liturgy and everyday prayers such the Our Father and Hail Mary. Contact Samuel: s.a.e.barry@hotmail.com.
Now 533 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit youtube.com/channel/UC_NVY7jpDIhANiwjng1gN0w. Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Watch Deacon Evans’ homily on Holy Church in the Storm: https://youtu.be/hEQmno5mTBU.
SPUC Youth Conference in Stone 25th – 27th Feb 2022 with Fr de Malleray and Deacon Evans: https://www.spuc.org.uk/youthconference2022.
Prayer list: Tim Wright, Michael Leacy, Wendy Moss, Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
HOLY MASS INTENTIONS: Other Mass intentions are applied at Private Masses. Kindly ask Fr Stewart for details.
Septuagesima Sunday
John Sunderland RIP
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
Preservation FSSP/Latin Mass
Blessed Sacrament
John Green RIP
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
Donor’s intention
Feria, Daily Mass for the Dead
Holy Souls
Feria, Votive Mass of St Joseph
Joseph Habineza
Men’s Group 7:45pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
Audrey Jones
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Cross
Dawn Ollenshaw
Feria, Saturday of Our Lady Adoration &
Manuel and Mazon
Confessions 10:00am-12noon; Vespers 6pm
Sexagesima Sunday
Steve Parsons
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Eileen Dunbeivin
Feria, Daily Mass for the Dead
Holy Souls
Chair of St PeterPlenary IndulgenceConfraternity
Confraternity of St. Peter
St. Peter Damian, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor
Kevin King
Men’s Group 7:45pm
7:00 pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
St. Matthias, Apostle. House-Finding Novena starts
Westerners in 2022 can learn from the heroic fidelity demonstrated by Catholic Poland during WWII and later. Hoping against hope, a generation of young Catholic men and women stood up for their faith and country both at home and abroad. We British and Irish Catholics must love deeper Christ, Our Lady, Holy Church and the saints; and gather together in order to save our souls in the present and forthcoming trials. At the heart of the current battle is the education of our little ones as God’s children.
Editorial: It Is Happening – St Mary’s Academy
Fr de Malleray explains why education is central to his Fraternity’s mission, now implemented through the hybrid Regina Caeli Academies in Bedford and Warrington. Four years after it was indicated as the aim of the successful Priory Campaign, the “Village Option” has become a necessity for families to survive and pass on the faith to their children.
Educating the Saints of Tomorrow
Justin Bozzino presents the hybrid model of the Regina Caeli academies, successfully adapted from America for UK families. He invites families to register for the Warrington Open Day on Saturday 5th March (11am-2pm): www.rcahybrid.org.uk/info.
Heroic Poles in the Battle of Britain
Richard Kornicki reminds us of the crucial role of Polish pilots in the Battle of Britain. Air Officer Commanding RAF Fighter Command Hugh Dowding said: “Had it not been for the magnificent material contributed by the Polish Squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say the outcome of Battle would have been the same”.
Young Women reflect on the Warsaw Uprising
Dowry asks two Polish young women settled in England how they relate to the heroism of a late fellow-Pole Cecylia Wolkowinska portrayed in her autobiography When the Summer Ended (written in collaboration with Joanna Bogle), from her youth in free Poland after WWI until the Nazi invasion of her country and the heroic uprising against the occupier in 1944. What inspiration, what lessons can young people in 2022 Britain learn from their heroic forebears fighting for freedom?
A Polish Army liberates Monte Cassino
Mark Kudlowski pays tribute to the determination of the Polish units who first reached the world-famous Abbey of Monte-Cassino eventually freed from Nazi occupation. Since Europe was civilised largely by the Benedictines stemming from Monte-Cassino, this victory over the anti-Christian forces of Adolf Hitler can inspire us in our third-millennium struggle for the Christian civilisation.
Elizabeth Prout, Mother Teresa of Manchester
Rosalind Starkie reviews Edna Hamer’s book on the Venerable Elizabeth Prout (1820–1864), Foundress of the female branch of the Passionist Order in Victorian England. A convert, Elizabeth Prout brought solace, education and hope to many women, girls and families suffering under inhuman conditions in the slums of Manchester during the Industrial Revolution.
A Bigger God
James Gillick shows that modern telescopes have given men a better idea of the magnitude of the cosmos. This humbles the wise, but terrifies the proud. They react with violence and manic ambition at the expense of true culture and spirituality. Christian artists and thinkers must depict anew the splendour of the Saviour for the benefit of mankind.
Meditations on the Stabat Mater
Religious superiors and theologians express their interest for the medieval liturgical sequence displaying the sufferings of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross on Good Friday. A commentary on the Stabat Mater just released by CTS can be a good companion for the forthcoming Lent.
Dowry is the quarterly magazine of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in the UK & Ireland. Since its inception in 2008, the magazine has published dozens of articles on topics as diverse as theology, family life, education, the sacraments, Church Magisterium, art, politics, literature, cinema, spirituality, liturgy and more.
We welcome submissions of articles, poetry, pictures and drawings if deemed compatible with our traditional Catholic scope. Any submission must be by email to malleray@fssp.org with (small) attachments in digital format. We cannot guarantee to answer, let alone publish, each and all submission. Thank you for your interest. Contact us to be sent bulk quantities of Dowry for dispatching among your friends and acquaintances, especially if you are part of a parish, or a community or some other institution.
Dowry belongs to FSSP England, a registered charity no.1129964 (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri Ltd).
Join the Worldwide Solemn Consecration of the Priestly Fraternityof St Peter to the Immaculate Heart of Mary following a novena of preparation from February 2nd to 11th.
The purpose is to seek Our Lady’s increased protection on our Fraternity and on those we serve according to the traditional charism approved by the Holy See in our Constitutions. The solemn consecration is planned for February 11th, the feast of the Apparitions of Our Lady at Lourdes. It will take place across our 259 Mass centres on 4 continents. In addition to the 526 FSSP members, the 8399 members of the Confraternity of St Peter worldwide will join the novena, as well as anyone who wishes.
Daily: One decade of the Holy Rosary + the Memorare: “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.”
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Priory Court Car Park reserved for Academy every Mondays and Thursdays; available ALL other days. Church car park available 7/7: please now use ALL empty spaces, including outside Presbytery & Garage.
Free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter our church.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in the state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the traditional liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
for those booked on our Shrine Pilgrimage to Yorkon Sat 5th Feb 2022.
Cost: £15.00 per seat. Hand payment in cash to Deacon Evans or drop in collection basket or via mail slot in Presbytery door in an envelope clearly labelled with your name, contact details and “York Coach Booking”. Unwaged and children may enquire with Deacon Evans (evans@fssp.org) for discounts.
Kindly pay promptly as we have at least 6 people on the waiting list. All 53 seats are booked.
ATTENTION: Arrive at St Mary’s on Sat morning by 7:15am, for coach departure promptly at 7:30am. Return at St Mary’s Warrington around 8:00pm.
7:15am: arrive to coach parked along Buttermarket Street and prompt departure by 7:30am
On board: two talks on York and St Margaret Clitherow by Fr Quirke and Deacon Evans
9:40am: arrival at the York Oratory (city centre)
10am: Holy Mass at the York Oratory
11:15am: Walk (5mins from Oratory) to The Shambles where St Margaret Clitherow lived and tour of the shrine
12noon: Lunch (if possible inside Oratory parish hall, or separately in restaurants and pubs all around)
2pm: Prayer at York Minster (right outside Oratory Church) and visit if let in for free (budget £9.5/person to access if not allowed as a praying group: those who cannot get in can visit the city walls and narrow medieval streets)
4:00pm: Veneration of the hand of St Margaret Clitherow at the Bar Convent
5:30pm: Gathering by coach, for departure by 6:00pm
On board: Holy Rosary
8pm: arrival at St Mary’s Shrine
Support our children’s Catholic education!
Promote and attend the OPEN Day of Regina Caeli ACADEMYWarrington on Sat. 5th March 11am-2pm.
Already half a dozen families have moved to or near Warrington over the past year to benefit from our liturgical, devotional and educational opportunities. More families are willing to follow. The Academy is an essential feature of our educational mission. Come and meet staff, parents, children and chaplain.
11am Presentation;
12:10pm Holy Mass with homily by Academy Chaplain Fr de Malleray;
500 weekly visits to St Mary’s Shrine Church: half on weekdays and half on Sundays.
Roof leaking: Thank you for the money raised and donated. Solutions are being examined.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. While the overall income is still far from covering the actual expenses of the Shrine, it is comforting to see how generously you respond. God bless you all.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ;
Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ;
Account name: FSSP Warrington
First Holy Communions: Register now with Deacon Evans to start preparation in time for ceremony on Corpus Christi Sunday 19th June, 11am.
Just arrived: 50 new Baronius hand missals. Bring £35 in cash and receive your copy after 11am Sunday Mass.
Meditations on the Stabat Mater : new booklet by Fr de Malleray, just released by CTS.
St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group, one Saturday a month, 1pm shared lunch and 2pm talk: 19 Feb; 19 Mar; 9 Apr; 21 May; 11 Jun; 9 Jul.
English Conversation Classeshave started for anyone, especially our new parishioners from Hong Kong, Poland or elsewhere. In a relaxed setting for an hour over a cup of tea, coffee and snack. Individuals, couples and families, all welcome. Most Tuesdays after the 12:10pm Mass in Priory Court Unit 1.
Contact Alison: a.f.kudlowski@btinternet.com.
Now 519 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit youtube.com/channel/UC_NVY7jpDIhANiwjng1gN0w. Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Prayer list: Tim Wright, Michael Leacy, Wendy Moss, Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
HOLY MASS INTENTIONS: Other Mass intentions are applied at Private Masses. Kindly ask Fr Stewart for details.
IV Sunday after the Epiphany
Demetri Newman-Brown
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Mary Mckay RIP
St. John Bosco, Confessor
Theresa Doyle
St. Ignatius, Bishop, Martyr
Ther. & William Stewart
Purification of the Blessed Virgin, Blessing of candles
Dominic Bradbury
and procession at 12:10pm Mass; Men’s Group 7:45pm
All Men of St. Mary’s
Feria, Votive Mass St.Blaise, Bishop, Martyr
Fr Julian Robu
Blessing of throats after 12:10 Mass
St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop, Confessor
Andrew and Christina
Vot. Mass of the Sacred Heart & First Friday Holy Hour
Romeo Robinson
St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr (First Saturday)
Jeanne Marechal RIP
Adoration&Confessions 10.00-12.00 Vespers 6pm
V Sunday after the Epiphany
Gabrielle Seymour
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Alzbeta Danisova
St. Romuald, Abbott
Donor’s intention
St. John of Matha, Confessor
Holy Souls
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop Confessor Doctor
Joseph Seymour
Men’s Group 7:45pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
St. Scholastica, Virgin
Ronald Hannah
The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin MaryWorldwide FSSP Act of Consecration after Mass
St Mary’s Warrington Shrine Pilgrimage to YORKon SAT 5th FEB 2022. Book your seat on the coach today, emailing Andrew: DecusEtTutamen1@outlook.com. Cost: £15.00 per seat. Hand payment in cash to Deacon Evans or drop in collection basket or via mail slot in Presbytery door in an envelope clearly labelled with your name, contact details and “York Coach Booking”. Unwaged and children may enquire with Deacon Evans (evans@fssp.org) for discounts. ATTENTION: Arrive at St Mary’s on Sat morning by 7:15am, for coach departure promptly at 7:30am. Planned duration of journey: 2 hours. You can park your car in either Shrine car parks. Holy Mass on arrival at the York Oratory. Visit of St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine. Walk along City Walls. Lunch in pub or picnic. Arrival back at St Mary’s Warrington at 8:00pm. Covid lockdown prevented us from going on a community pilgrimage over the past two years. Let us make the best of this opportunity now. There is nothing better than a short pilgrimage like this to strengthen the bonds of friendship within the community. We look forward to travelling with you to York! Booktoday…
Our Shrine Pilgrimage to YORKon SAT 5th FEB 2022, in merely three weeks. Book your seat on the coach today, emailing Andrew: DecusEtTutamen1@outlook.com. Cost: £15.00 per seat. Hand payment in cash to Deacon Evans or drop in collection basket or via mail slot in Presbytery door in an envelope clearly labelled with your name, contact details and “York Coach Booking”. Unwaged and children may enquire with Deacon Evans (evans@fssp.org) for discounts. ATTENTION: Arrive at St Mary’s on Sat morning by 7:15am, for coach departure promptly at 7:30am. Planned duration of journey: 2 hours. You can park your car in either Shrine car parks. Holy Mass on arrival at the York Oratory. Visit of St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine. Walk along City Walls. Lunch in pub or picnic. Arrival back at St Mary’s Warrington at 8:00pm. Covid lockdown prevented us from going on a community pilgrimage over the past two years. Let us make the best of this opportunity now. There is nothing better than a short pilgrimage like this to strengthen the bonds of friendship within the community. We look forward to travelling with you to York! Booktoday…
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin
16-30 Jan 2022 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Priory Court Car Park reserved for Academy every Mondays and Thursdays; available ALL other days. Church car park available 7/7: please now use ALL empty spaces, including outside Presbytery & Garage.
Free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter our church.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in the state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the traditional liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Welcome to Fr Gerard Quirke from the Archdiocese of Tuam in Ireland, currently a guest at St Mary’s Presbytery.
500 weekly visits to St Mary’s Shrine Church: half on weekdays and half on Sundays.
Roof leaking: Thank you for the money raised via the raffle hamper. No roofer could be booked yet to mend the roof: please pray for solution.
Trusting in Our Lady’s protection in our present difficulties:
“The Fraternity is also under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Priest par excellence, and thus of each priest. She forms all priests in the image of her Son. She leads them to discover the profound motives for their celibacy, a condition for the blossoming of their priesthood” (cf. FSSP Constitutions, #4).
Solemn consecration of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter to the Immaculate Heart of Mary following a novena of preparation from February 2nd to 11th. The solemn consecration is planned for February 11th, the feast of the apparitions of Our Lady at Lourdes.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. While the overall income is still far from covering the actual expenses of the Shrine, it is comforting to see how generously you respond. God bless you all.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ;
Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ;
Account name: FSSP Warrington
Congratulations to Jonathan and Chiara Berry on the Baptism oftheir baby boy Alberto on 15th January.
St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group, one Saturday a month, 1pm shared lunch and 2pm talk: 22 Jan; 19 Feb; 19 Mar; 9 Apr; 21 May; 11 Jun; 9 Jul.
English Conversation Classes: in a relaxed setting for an hour over a cup of tea, coffee and snack. Individuals, couples and families, all welcome. Introductory session on Tuesday 18th January after the 12:10pm Mass in Priory Court Unit 1.
Now 504subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit youtube.com/channel/UC_NVY7jpDIhANiwjng1gN0w. Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Pro-life White Flower appeal on Sunday 16 Jan in Parish Hall after 11:00am Holy Mass and in Church Porch after 9am and 6pm Holy Masses. A ‘Tiny feet’ stall will be available at the coffee morning after Mass, with a SPUC representative and a selection of leaflets in support of the unborn.
Prayer list: Michael Leacy, Wendy Moss, Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
HOLY MASS INTENTIONS: Other Mass intentions are applied at Private Masses. Kindly ask Fr Stewart for details.
II Sunday after the Epiphany
John & Anne Norris
5pm Vespers and Benediction of theBlessed Sacrament
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Joshua & Samantha
St. Anthony, Abbott
Harold Pitts
Feria – Votive Mass for a Happy Death
Holy Souls
St. Benet Biscop, Abbott
Glynnis Mosely
Men’s Group 7:45pm
7:00 pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
Sts. Fabian & Sebastian, Martyrs
Alan Conor RIP
St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr
Andy Robinson
St. Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs; Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon;Ladies’ Group 1pm; Vespers 6:00pm
12:00 am
Donna Clarkson
III Sunday after the Epiphany
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Mass of Thanksgving
St. Timothy, Bishop and Martyr
King Family
Conversion of St. Paul
Romeo Robinson
St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Dolores Giffney
Men’s Group 7:45pm
7:00 pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
St. John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor
Anne Finkins
St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor
Catherine Holden
St. Francis de Sales, B C D Adoration & Confessions
Frs de Malleray, Verrier, Stewart and Deacon Evans, with Fr Jolly, thank you for your many cards, gifts and prayers for us over the past Christmas. We wish you a blessed new civil year.
Following the further restrictions announced by the Holy See last week, let us pray with deep faith, hope and charity for the traditional Roman liturgy to be preserved as a providential means of sanctification of souls.
The Holy Father exhorts them, according to their own charism, to take an active part in the mission of the Church in the world of today, through the testimony of a holy life, a firm faith and an inventive and generous charity.
We will offer Holy Mass monthly to this intention, starting on 9th January.
May the special patrons of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter intercede for us as they have done in the past: the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Peter the Apostle and St Thomas Aquinas.
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin
2-16 Jan 2022 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Priory Court Car Park reserved for Academy every Mondays and Thursdays; available ALL other days. Church car park available 7/7: please now use ALL empty spaces, including outside Presbytery & Garage.
Free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phonebefore you enter our church.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in the state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the traditional liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: m.robson@rcaol.org.uk or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
500 weekly visits to St Mary’s Shrine Church: half on weekdays and half on Sundays.
Roof leaking: pray for dry weather to fix it! A raffle hamper is organised to raise funds to cover costs.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. While the overall income is still far from covering the actual expenses of the Shrine, it is comforting to see how generously you respond. God bless you all.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/. Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ;
Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ;
Account name: FSSP Warrington
Congratulations to John and FionaWestcombe onthe Baptism of their firstbornchild Alice last 21st December. John and Fiona moved near Warrington a few months ago to be part of St Mary’s Shrine.
New Year: two separate Plenary Indulgences applicable to oneself or to a holy soul in Purgatory can be gained by praying or singing in church: 1)The hymn Te Deum (Baronius p. 96) on 31st December in thanksgiving for the year past; 2) The hymn Veni Creator (Baronius p. 712) asking graces for the year starting.
In addition to performing the work (praying one of the two hymns above), the three usual conditions apply: 1) to be in the state of grace with no attachment to sin even venial, 2) reception of Holy Communion the same day, 3) to pray for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff. Please note that what is meant here is not the periodical intentions of the reigning pope published by the Holy See which one is welcome to pray at any time. For an indulgence, “intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff” means: the spiritual good of the whole Church, encompassing: the liberty and exaltation of the Catholic Church and the Apostolic See, the extirpation of heresies and the conversion of all who are in error, the concord of Christian Princes and the peace and unity of all the faithful.
Blessing of Epiphany Water on Wed 5th Jan: bring and drop by little organ before the 12:10pm Mass plastic containers filled with water and labelled to your name (to take home after) for the Blessing to begin right after 12:10pm Mass: lasting about from 1pm to 2pm.
English Conversation Classes: in a relaxed setting for an hour over a cup of tea, coffee and snack. Individuals, couples and families, all welcome. Introductory session on Tuesday 18th January after the 12:10pm Mass in Priory Court Unit 1.
FSSP Christmas CD now at bookshop: Sancta Nox.
Dowry Mag No51 printed copies arrived. Help your selves and share with friends. (Also online:fssp.org.uk/category/dowry/, Autumn 2021.)
Now 483 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit youtube.com/channel/UC_NVY7jpDIhANiwjng1gN0w. Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Have you saved this date? Shrine Pilgrimage to York on Sat 5th February 2022. Mass at the Oratory, visit to St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine at the Shambles, Minster visit and more. Detailed schedule and cost to be announced. Info: iverrier@fssp.org.
Prayer list: Wendy Moss, Bill Conder, Luke Petherbridge, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, Jean Scott, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Newly weds R&S
5pm Solemn Vespers and Benediction of the
All St. Mary’s Faithful
Blessed Sacrament
Pamela Bautista RIP
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
Audrey and Family
Feria, Daily Mass of the Dead
Holy Souls
Feria, Votive Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul
Alan O’Connor
Men’s Group 7:45pm
7:00 pm
All St. Mary’s Penitents
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
FSSP Seminarians
Feria, Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart
Men of St Mary’s
Saturday of Our Lady Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon Solemn Vespers 6:00pm
Greta Doyle
Feast of the Holy Family
Mr & Mrs O’Leary
5pm Solemn Vespers and Benediction of the
Preservation Latin Mass/FSSP
Blessed Sacrament
Carmen Palmer
Feria, Daily Mass of the Dead
Olber Bautista RIP
Feria, Votive Mass of Thanksgiving (n.29)
Mass of Thanksgiving
Feria, Daily Mass of the Dead Men’s Group 7:45pm
12:10pm 7:00pm
Joyce Washby RIP Celebrant’s intention
Commemoration of Baptism of Our Lord
Molyneux Family members
St. Kentigern, Bishop, Confessor
Colin Jones
St. Paul the Hermit Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon Solemn Vespers 6:00pm
Following the further restrictions announced by the Holy See last week, let us pray with deep faith, hope and charity for the traditional Roman liturgy to be preserved as a providential means of sanctification of souls.
The Holy Father exhorts them, according to their own charism, to take an active part in the mission of the Church in the world of today, through the testimony of a holy life, a firm faith and an inventive and generous charity.
We will offer Holy Mass monthly to this intention, starting on 9th January.
May the special patrons of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter intercede for us as they have done in the past: the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Peter the Apostle and St Thomas Aquinas.