Latest News
February 20, 2018
By concession of the Holy See, the Chair of St Peter (22 Feb) is a Feast of the First Class in FSSP apostolates. And by decree of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, dated June 7, 2008, a plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions to the members of the Confraternity of St Peter on this feast (22 Feb). The conditions are: – to have the intention of gaining the indulgence – to make a Sacramental Confession (within several days before […]
February 19, 2018
The chaplains for this year’s Summer Camps will be the by then newly ordained Fr Phipps, FSSP (Summer Camp St Peter) and Fr Verrier, FSSP (Summer Camp St Petronilla). The venue for the camps is a Salesian house, whose founder St John Bosco, shortly after his ordination in 1841, wrote of his convictions in rescuing street children: “The young, who form the most cherished and attractive portion of human society, and in whom are centred all our hopes for a […]
February 14, 2018
Deo gratias for a 7th priest joining the FSSP’s UK apostolate. Fr Konrad zu Löwenstein is returning today to St Mary’s Warrington. Father was born in England in 1958, of Bavarian descent. After A-levels, he studied at Oxford (Christ Church) and later taught in the USA. He joined the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in 1997, studying at our motherhouse in Wigratzbad. After his priestly ordination in 2002, he taught at our seminary and later on started our apostolate in Venice, Italy, where he served for a decade…
February 13, 2018
View this email in your browser Access audio files here. (Picture: First left: Gwilym, from Wales, was ordained a Porter and Lector last Saturday.) Dear Rev Father, Fraternal greetings, and may we wish you a happy Shrove Tuesday and a grace-filled Lent. May we bring to your attention the following conferences, i.e. eight meditations recorded live during our latest clergy retreat at Douai Abbey, Berkshire (22-26 January 2018). The theme was: Mary, Mother of Priests and Protectress of our Frailty. We were 15 […]
February 12, 2018
“…they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind”
Jeremiah 19
The most powerful reason against abortion is God’s Sovereign ownership of every immortal spirit, of every human soul, of every creature. There is just one week remaining to add your voice defending the unborn in the consultation on ‘buffer zones’ opened up by the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, MP.
February 10, 2018
On Ash Wednesday (14 Feb), the 11am Mass in Chesham Bois and the 7:30pm Mass in Reading will both be Sung Masses. For those who wish to familiarise themselves with some of the chant and prayers, clicking on the images below will open links to wonderful resources. In Chesham Bois, Mass XVII will be sung with the longer Kyrie (score A) also used for the chant for the Ite missa est. A recording of the Marian antiphon, Ave regina caelorum, can be heard below.
Click here to see the latest bulletin from Reading. Below are the Mass times for the coming fortnight.
February 7, 2018
Today the FSSP UK priests’ meeting included a visit to Lancaster. Image (above): close to the spot in Lancaster Castle where St Edmund Arrowsmith was held before being martyred in 1628. Image (above): A memorial stone marking the location of several martyrdoms in Lancaster. Among those whose intercession we invoked was Bl James Bell, born in Warrington, and martyred in Lancaster in 1584 under Bloody Queen Bess. Downhill from where the martyrs died is the plot on which in 1859 the […]
Every priest is appointed to offer sacrifice (cf Heb 5:1). FSSP UK priest meeting at St Mary’s Shrine.