Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

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July 18, 2023

Happy 35th anniversary FSSP

Today, 18 July 2023, is the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by a dozen priests at the Abbey of Hauterive in Switzerland on 18 July 1988. Schedule at St Mary’s Shrine on Tuesday 18 July 2023: 35th anniversary of Foundation of FSSP in Switzerland; St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor: Act of Foundation Published 18 July 1988 [Original: French] By this act the undersigned clerics found the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter as a clerical […]

July 7, 2023

Ladies’ Vocation Discernment Day

Facebook page for this event here. Sat 29 July 2023: 10:00am-5:00pm. For single Catholic Ladies 18+ (under 18 welcome if accompanied by responsible adult family member), at St Mary’s Shrine Church, WA1 2NS, Warrington. Conferences on discernment, celibacy and prayer, with Sr Mari Caritas (then visiting from Minneapolis, erstwhile from St Mary’s Shrine) and Fr de Malleray, FSSP. Free. Bring your picnic. Bookings: stmaryssecretary@fssp.org. SCHEDULE:10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament10:15am First Conference11:30am Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Rosary and Confessions12:10pm Holy Mass1pm […]

June 28, 2023

Dowry No58 Summer Issue Online

In this issue: Editorial: Why June is Humility Month Fr de Malleray considers that the month of the Sacred Heart is also that of the Holy Eucharist with Corpus Christi. The example of St Francis of Assisi whose humility is universally acknowledged shows a little spoken-off connection between the saint and the Holy Eucharist. Prayerful Pro-Life Witness Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the courageous young woman who was arrested for praying silently outside an abortuary, explains why bearing witness to life is part […]

June 13, 2023


Great Catholic holiday for Boys, and Girls, in the Peak District. Organised and staffed by our Fraternity, with the help of lay staff. Please tell your friends urgently as the deadline is looming ahead! Spread the word now! The cost is £200 for the first child of a family attending each camp, and then £100 for subsequent children from that family. No children to send? But can you sponsor a child? Your generosity will help us provide unforgettable holidays for […]

April 7, 2023

Christ’s Crowning with Thorns prefigured

As a Lenten meditation Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP explains how the thorns of the crown prophetically stem from the timber of the cross. Or watch this meditation as a video here. Introduction: What crown? What is a crown? A crown is a circle of metal, normally precious, set around the head of a human ruler. As a piece of jewellery, the crown draws attention to the head of its bearer, and more specifically to his brow, under which his […]

March 22, 2023

Dowry Mag Spring Issue online

Click here to open the magazine. In this issue: Editorial: The Work of our Redemption Fr de Malleray, FSSP addresses concerns about the future of the traditional Latin Mass. The prospects are bleak, but divine Providence will support us if we put our hearts into this liturgy as a means of sanctification for us and others. Adolescents Make Rosary Beads Romeo and Lucianna Robinson, a disabled young man and his sister, found that their usual beads did not last very […]

March 8, 2023

Lenten Treat!

Treat your soul this Lent with Fr de Malleray’s Meditations on the Stabat Mater, from the CTS BESTSELLERS category. Click to open CTS page: https://www.ctsbooks.org/product/meditations-on-the-stabat-mater/.

January 16, 2023

Dowry Mag Winter edition

Click on picture to open pdf In this issue: Editorial: Pope Benedict XVI, R.I.P. Homily at the Solemn Mass of Requiem for Pope Benedict XVI on 7 January 2023 in Warrington. Fr de Malleray expresses gratitude for the fruitful ministry of Pope Benedict XVI. He recalls his involvement in the founding of the FSSP as Cardinal Ratzinger; during the papal interregnum, his uncompromising diagnosis of the woes of the Church; his unexpected election to the sovereign pontificate; his support of […]