Scroll down to two videos on this topic by Fr de Malleray
By Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, Chaplain to the Juventutem London Youth Group (this article first appearead in Dowry Mag No51, Autumn 2021)
Who is left? Looking at the group picture of about twenty young Catholics, my finger points at one face after another while next to me a young friend comments: “Gone. She’s also gone. He’s gone as well. They’re gone too.” The picture was taken on retreat in Berkshire in July 2019, the summer before Covid began. Since then, a dozen of them have disappeared… Where did all these young people go? Are they sick with a virus in some hospital ward? Are they in gaol? Are they dead?
Under arch-tyrant Joseph Stalin, official group pictures underwent regular updating as more and more collaborators in the entourage of the suspicious Communist leader were executed. Long before digital graphic design, technicians in Soviet communication had learnt to delete faces and replace them by credible clouds or trees. The young adults on our group picture were spared such a fate. Their youthful features can still be identified on that photo among their friends still in the world, whether married or single. Meeting them in the flesh, though, has become impossible. Why? Because they have left the world.
Twelve of them have embraced the state of consecrated life. They are now scattered in convents, monasteries, and seminaries. How extraordinary! Could there have been less favourable a time to make such an absolute decision? Remember, the whole world was gripped by a virus seemingly lethal. No one could travel anywhere, least of all to visit some abbey overseas. One could not even enter a church to pray and ask God for the grace of discernment, as all places of worship were locked up. Spiritual directors and confessors were little able to provide adequate guidance, confined as they were in their presbyteries and chaplaincies. If anything, they might have suggested to postpone the choice of consecrated celibacy until the end of Covid, whenever it may come. And yet, against formidable odds, a dozen young adults in London and across Britain heard a call, assessed it, and bravely answered it. They had little more in common, it seemed, than being in their twenties and having come across the traditional Latin Mass. They attended it wherever permitted and met at the monthly Juventutem London gathering.
They all joined communities where the same traditional liturgy is offered in full communion with the Church. P. is a Redemptorist in Papa Stronsay, Scotland. R. is a parish nun in Minneapolis, America. V. is a Eucharistic Adorer in Naples, Italy. X. is a novice at the Marian Franciscans’ in Gosport, England. D. and L. are seminarians in Tuscany; while D. and H. from Cheshire, C. from Ulster, T. and M. from London and F. from South Wales study for the priesthood in Bavaria and in America. G, from Wales is on pastoral stage in England. E. is a Carmelite in Birkenhead, England. Y. from Wales, and S. are Benedictine nuns in Gower, America. F. is a Franciscan Nun of the Immaculate in San Giovanni Rotundo, Italy. In addition, S. just announced that he will begin with the Gosport Franciscans by Easter. S. is actively discerning with the Naples Adorer Sisters. F. started at the Lanherne Carmel and T. will begin with the Redemptorists in Scotland around Easter.
More have joined some communities a few years before Covid, like at Silverstream Priory in Ireland, or without previous involvement with Juventutem, like T. who is trying his vocation with a Thomistic clerical community in America. A few more, at least among those known to me, are in communities where the traditional Latin Mass is offered regularly, if not exclusively, like the various Oratories in England and Wales, the Norbertines in Chelmsford and the Order of Malta in which an erstwhile parishioner of mine just became a solemnly professed religious. Young people once connected with Juventutem or with traditional Mass centres have also joined Novus Ordo communities with use of Latin, like H. from Edinburgh at St Cecilia’s on the Isle of Wight, and T. from Basingstoke now at Douai Abbey in Berkshire. I had indication of more, not personally known to me, who have joined other communities.
If focusing on those whose vocation lead them to traditional communities, one will find that the proportion is very high, since these young people are much fewer than those attending Novus Ordo parishes across the dioceses. In addition, their chances to proceed with discernment are thin, as spiritual directors actively supportive of the traditional Latin Mass are not many. Even when benefitting from sympathetic direction, these young people have very few places they might join in Great Britain, and not many more abroad, should Covid regulations allow them to travel. Finally, all the traditional communities listed above are young. The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, by far the largest (with 530 members on four continents) and the oldest, was founded only thirty three years ago. Most others are between one and fifteen years old (like the Benedictines Nuns of the Immaculate in Northern Italy), or if older, have adopted the traditional liturgy in the past year or so.
So many uncertainties combined could have deterred our young people. And yet, by the grace of God, they did not. How and why so many, proportionately, have answered the call in the past few years, is a mystery to me. Since my first appointment in England twenty years ago, time and again through retreats, articles and spiritual direction I have urged the importance and beauty of consecrated life. While the response has been rewarding as regards priestly vocations, it had remained practically null for religious life, especially for religious nuns. What a blessing that divine Providence choses to reach out to so many precisely now, when circumstances are most adverse. No doubt this is an answer to the prayers and sacrifices of many, lay and consecrated alike, alive and dead. I know of families who offer up their evening rosary for such a crucial intention. I am sure that religious in dwindling communities also intercede for the torch to be passed on. Nor should our British saints and martyrs in heaven be forgotten: so many died for the Faith in gruesome torments. Even better than we, they must see how urgently England and the world need a revival of religious life. They must be praying hard to the Master of Harvest to send many, many generous and sacrificial souls to reclaim the land.
Admittedly, these numbers are still small, since what are twenty or even forty young religious compared with the large and well-established monasteries, convents and friaries which have closed over the past fifty years? In addition, the new communities they join are just this: new, with all the risks inherent to a recent beginning, such as little experience, limited resources and very few powerful friends either in the Church hierarchy or in secular society. And yet, it would not be the first time that the Holy Ghost selected instruments left out of the most professionally designed pastoral plans.This November fifty young men and women attended a day of conferences and prayer on the vocation to consecrated life organised by Juventutem London. Later this same month, fourteen men between 18 and 29 years of age attended a weekend of vocational discernment at St Mary’s Shrine in Warrington. In addition, not a few of these young people are converts or reverts who found their way to Holy Church together with their parents and siblings. This shows that God’s invitation reaches every generation, not only the young, as evidenced in the increased attendance at traditional Mass centres across the country.
We, English Catholics in our bleak or anxious 2020s, are given the grace of witnessing what could be a crucially promising revival. Can there be any doubt that our Isles, across which monasticism grew of old and bore such glorious fruit, from Rievaulx and Jarrow to Glastonbury, and from Iona, Fountains and Bury to Westminster, await a new wave of gentle conquerors, armed not with arrows and chains, but with crosses and beads?
How can one help foster such a timely revival, you may wonder? The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2233) teaches that, “Parents should welcome and respect with joy and thanksgiving the Lord’s call to one of their children to follow him in virginity for the sake of the Kingdom in the consecrated life or in priestly ministry.” Our readers already settled in a state of life may pray for consecrated vocations to be granted among their own children, nephews and nieces, godsons and goddaughters and young friends. They can also join this 8,000-strong international prayer network for vocations: Last autumn (2021), a record number of 49 seminarians were admitted in the First Year with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (more had applied but we lacked space). As to you, dear young readers, please see whether this balanced portrait of would-be religious offered us by the meek and gentle St Francis de Sales might perhaps strike a chord in your heart:
“…religious orders have been called hospitals in every age and religious are known by a Greek word which means healers because they are in a hospital to heal one another like the lepers of Saint Bridget (n19) (v36). We need not expect that those who enter religious life will be immediately perfect; it is enough for them to tend to perfection, and to embrace the means for growing in perfection. Our community, no more than any other religious community, is not a group of perfect women but rather a group of women who are aiming at and tending toward perfection. It is a school where we come to learn about the means that we must use to become perfect. And in order to do this, it is necessary to have this firm and constant will such as I spoke of, to embrace all the means of growing in perfection that are proper to the vocation in which one is called.
Therefore, it is not the tearful, sorrowfilled and sighing person who is the best one called; nor those who are consumed mostly with the cross, nor those who will not move from the chapel, nor those who are always in the hospital [i.e. to tend sick patients], nor even those who begin with a burst of fervour. We must not pay any attention to the tears of the weepers, nor listen to the sighs of the sighers, nor look for bearing and deportment to find those who are truly called. But we should look for those who have a good, strong and constant resolve to be healed and who because of that resolve work faithfully to recover their spiritual health.” □
(Above quote cf Conference Seventh, in
Why young people choose consecrated celibacy:
Despite Covid travel restrictions and churches locked up, more young adults have entered traditional convents, seminaries and monasteries over the past few years. Fr de Malleray explains what consecrated celibacy entails and why such a demanding ideal appeals to the younger generation. Juventutem London (UK), 13 November 2021.
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP looks back at the petition in favour of the traditional Latin Mass by scores of British men and women of the world of culture and the arts, some non Catholic and some non Christian. Pope Paul VI was convinced to grant permission for the traditional Latin missal to be used further in England, and asked Mgr Bugnini to express his permission to Cardinal Heenan of Westminster.
Your Young, Loyal, and Traditional Catholics
The bureau of the Juventutem federation issued a communiqué following Pope Francis’ motu proprio Traditionis Custodes. Juventutem has worked for 17 years to make use of the Roman traditions of the Church for the sanctification of young people, with the blessing of the Holy See and the active support of many cardinals and bishops.
Chant for the Nativity
Chant expert Deacon Gwilym Evans, FSSP, on pastoral placement in England, presents the CD on Christmas chant made with his confreres at the international seminary of St Peter in Wigratzbad, Bavaria. For six consecutive weeks, Sancta Nox: Christmas Matins from Bavaria, on the De Montfort Music label, has been Number 1 on the US Billboard charts for classical music.
The God Rush
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP shares his happy surprise at the number of young people in the UK who became nuns, friars or seminarians over the past couple of years. Could there have been a worse moment than the Covid outburst? And yet, a dozen of them heard God’s call and are now answering it. A new spring?
Year of St Joseph: A Carpenter’s Son & A Carpenter Today?
Young and mature people alike in our modern world are trapped into virtual reality. In these two articles Richard Kornicki presents woodwork as a welcome antidote for all, even if only by way of meditation in this Year of St Joseph. The profession chosen by Jesus Christ (first article) can safely be embraced by modern apprentices (second article).
Click on the Cover below to open the magazine.
Dowry is the quarterly magazine of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in the UK & Ireland. Since its inception in 2008, the magazine has published dozens of articles on topics as diverse as theology, family life, education, the sacraments, Church Magisterium, art, politics, literature, cinema, spirituality, liturgy and more.
We welcome submissions of articles, poetry, pictures and drawings if deemed compatible with our traditional Catholic scope. Any submission must be by email to with (small) attachments in digital format. We cannot guarantee to answer, let alone publish, each and all submission. Thank you for your interest. Contact us to be sent bulk quantities of Dowry for dispatching among your friends and acquaintances, especially if you are part of a parish, or a community or some other institution.
Dowry belongs to FSSP England, a registered charity no.1129964 (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri Ltd).
Pray for our Second Year seminarian David, from Warrington, who will receive First Tonsure and the cassock on 23rd October, together with 32 more fellow seminarians (16 in Bavaria and 17 in Nebraska).
Please also pray for our 49 First Year seminarians who started formation last month, including Federico from Wales.
Watch our short video Called to become a priest…
Re-read earlier articles and homilies on Vocations:
Reflections on the relevance of religious life for young adults in Covid 2020s. Why not a few young people are attracted to it? How do they discern? Are they not afraid? Where is safe to apply? What if they fail or if their community is suppressed? And what about marriage? What if I still don’t know what to choose (the “Don’t-leave-me-behind-Syndrome”)?
SCHEDULE Sat. 13th Nov 2021, St Mary Magdalen Church, 96 North Side Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2QU (10 mins walk from Clapham Junction or 2 mins by bus) · 11am-12noon Conference 1 (40 mins + Q&As) · 12noon-1pm Holy Mass (Mass of St Didacus, Confessor). · 1pm-2pm Shared Lunch · 2pm-3pm Conference 2 (40 mins + Q&As) · 3pm-4pm Eucharistic Adoration: Exposition of the Bl. Sacrament and silent adoration (while confessions are heard), Benediction · 4pm Tea and departure.
Pizza and drinks will be provided for lunch. Suggested participation £10/person
At St Mary’s Priory, Smith Street, Warrington WA1 2NS, England: Starts 5:00pm; ends 2:00pm
Is God calling ME? Matrimony, celibacy, monastery, seminary, Fraternity?
If you are a single Catholic man between 18 and 29 years of age, come and discern with us at St Mary’s Priory & Church. Shrine Rector Fr de Malleray, FSSP will lead the Weekend, assisted by Frs Ian Verrier, FSSP and Alex Stewart, FSSP. There will be talks, prayers (Divine Office in our beautiful church), Holy Mass and informal chatting with fellow guests. Possibility of private meetings with a priest, and of confession.Feel welcome confidentially to call, email or write for any questions. Location: St Mary’s Priory. FREE for unwaged and students. Others: £60 per person in total.
Great pictures about our ministry here
We have currently six young men from the UK & Ireland in formation at our two international seminaries. Three of our deacons from England were ordained priests at St Mary’s Warrington by Archbishop McMahon, OP of Liverpool. Those were the first EF priestly ordinations by a diocesan bishop in England in fifty years.Please pray for them ( and for many more to enter the lists!We give thanks for 11 of priests ordained over the past 19 years: Fr Konrad Loewenstein in 2002; Fr Brendan Gerard in 2006; Frs Matthew Goddard and William Barker in 2009; Fr Simon Harkins in 2010; Fr Matthew McCarthy in 2011; Fr Ian Verrier in 2015; Fr James Mawdsley in 2016; Frs Alex Stewart and Krzysztof Sanetra in 2017; Fr Seth Phipps in 2018; Deacon Gwilym Evans in 2022 (planned).
The Summer 2021 edition of our quarterly magazine Dowry is its fiftieth issue since its beginning in Advent 2008.
To mark the occasion with something a bit different, we are glad to offer you a pamphlet under a smaller ‘book’ format instead of our usual A4 size magazine. Click here to open the document.
The printed version should reach our subscribers within a fortnight.
A small part of this booklet is available to watch as video here. We assure you of our prayer as we entrust ourselves and our ministry to yours.
The signatory Institutes want, above all, to reiterate their love for the Church and their fidelity to the Holy Father. This filial love is tinged with great suffering today. We feel suspected, marginalized, banished. However, we do not recognize ourselves in the description given in the accompanying letter of the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes, of July 16, 2021.
“If we say we have no sin …” (I John 1, 8)
We do not see ourselves as the “true Church” in any way. On the contrary, we see in the Catholic Church our Mother in whom we find salvation and faith. We are loyally subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Pontiff and that of the diocesan bishops, as demonstrated by the good relations in the dioceses (and the functions of Presbyteral Councillor, Archivist, Chancellor, or Official which have been entrusted to our members), and the result of canonical or apostolic visits of recent years. We reaffirm our adherence to the magisterium (including that of Vatican II and what follows), according to the Catholic doctrine of the assent due to it (cf. in particular Lumen Gentium, n ° 25, and Catechism of the Catholic Church , n ° 891 and 892), as evidenced by the numerous studies and doctoral theses carried out by several of us over the past 33 years.
Have any mistakes been made? We are ready, as every Christian is, to ask forgiveness if some excess of language or mistrust of authority may have crept into any of our members. We are ready to convert if party spirit or pride has polluted our hearts.
“Fulfill your vows unto the Most High” (Psalm 49:14)
We beg for a humane, personal, trusting dialogue, far from ideologies or the coldness of administrative decrees. We would like to be able to meet a person who will be for us the face of the Motherhood of the Church. We would like to be able to tell him about the suffering, the tragedies, the sadness of so many lay faithful around the world, but also of priests, men and women religious who gave their lives trusting on the word of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
They were promised that “all measures would be taken to guarantee the identity of their Institutes in the full communion of the Catholic Church”[1]. The first Institutes accepted with gratitude the canonical recognition offered by the Holy See in full attachment to the traditional pedagogies of the faith, particularly in the liturgical field (based on the Memorandum of Understanding of May 5, 1988, between Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Lefebvre). This solemn commitment was expressed in the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei of July 2, 1988; then in a diversified manner for each Institute, in their decrees of erection and in their constitutions definitively approved. The men and women religious and priests involved in our Institutes have made vows or made commitments according to this specification.
It is in this way that, trusting in the word of the Supreme Pontiff, they gave their lives to Christ to serve the Church. These priests and men and women religious served the Church with dedication and abnegation. Can we deprive them today of what they are committed to? Can we deprive them of what the Church had promised them through the mouth of the Popes?
“Have patience with me!” (Mt 18:29)
Pope Francis, “encourage[s] the Church’s pastors to listen to them with sensitivity and serenity, with a sincere desire to understand their plight and their point of view, in order to help them live better lives and to recognize their proper place in the Church.”(Amoris Laetitia, 312). We are eager to entrust the tragedies we are living to a father’s heart. We need listening and goodwill, not condemnation without prior dialogue.
The harsh judgment creates a feeling of injustice and produces resentment. Patience softens hearts. We need time.
Today we hear of disciplinary apostolic visits to our Institutes. We ask for fraternal meetings where we can explain who we are and the reasons for our attachment to certain liturgical forms. Above all, we want a truly human and merciful dialogue: “Have patience with me!”
“Circumdata varietate” (Ps 44:10)
On August 13, the Holy Father affirmed that in liturgical matters, “unity is not uniformity but the multifaceted harmony created by the Holy Spirit”[2]. We are eager to make our modest contribution to this harmonious and diverse unity, aware that, as Sacrosanctum Concilium teaches, “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows” (SC, n ° 10).
With confidence, we turn first to the bishops of France so that a true dialogue be opened and that a mediator be appointed who will be for us the human face of this dialogue. We must, “avoid judgements which do not take into account the complexity of various situations … It is a matter of reaching out to everyone, of needing to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial community and thus to experience being touched by an ‘unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous’ mercy.” (Amoris Laetitia, n ° 296-297).
Done at Courtalain (France), August 31, 2021.
Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior-General of the Fraternity of Saint Peter
Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
Fr. Luis Gabriel Barrero Zabaleta, Superior-General of the Institute of the Good Shepherd
Fr. Louis-Marie de Blignières, Superior-General of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer
Fr. Gerald Goesche, General Provost of the Institute of Saint Philip Neri
Fr. Antonius Maria Mamsery, Superior-General of the Missionaries of the Holy Cross
Dom Louis-Marie de Geyer d’Orth, Abbot of the Abbey of Saint Magdalen of Le Barroux
Fr. Emmanuel-Marie Le Fébure du Bus, Abbot of the Canons of the Abbey of Lagrasse
Dom Marc Guillot, Abbot of the Abbey of Saint Mary of la Garde
Mother Placide Devillers, Abbess of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Le Barroux
Mother Faustine Bouchard, Prioress of the Canonesses of Azille
Mother Madeleine-Marie, Superior of the Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Sovereign Priest